and Genetics: Tumours of the Urinary System and Male Genital Organs. World
Health Organization Classification of Tumours Volume 6. 2004. World Health Organization (WHO) International Agency for Research on
Cancer (IARC)
IARC Press. This is the sixth volume in the WHO series on histological and genetic typing
of human tumours, covering tumours of the kidney, the urinary system, the
prostate, the testis and paratesticular tissue, and the penis. Sections on all recognized neoplasms and their variants include new ICD-O
codes, incidence, age and sex distribution, location, clinical signs and
symptoms, pathology, genetics and predictive factors. Prepared by 131 authors from 22 countries, the book contains more than 800
colour photographs, numerous MRIs, ultrasound images, CT scans, charts and 3000
references. Diagnostic criteria, pathological features and associated genetic
alterations are described in a strictly disease-oriented manner. 359 pp. ISBN
9283224159 (978928322415X). $74.00
Pesticide Residues in Food.
2000 Report.
FAO Plant Protection & Protection Paper, FAO 163.
Food & Agriculture Organization, World
Health Organization. 2001.
During the meeting the FAO Panel of Experts was responsible for reviewing
pesticide use patterns (good agricultural practices), data on the chemistry and
composition of the pesticides, and methods of analysis for pesticide residues as
well as for estimating the maximum residue levels that might occur as a result
of the use of pesticides according to good agricultural practices. The WHO
Toxicological Core Assessment Group was responsible for reviewing toxicological
and related data and for estimating, where possible, acceptable daily intakes (ADIs)
of the pesticides for humans. This report contains information on ADIs, maximum
residue levels and general principles for the evaluation of pesticides. The
supporting documents (on residues and toxicological evaluations) contain
detailed monographs on these pesticides and include comments on analytical
methods. Paperback, xiii +222 pp.
ISBN 925104547X $64.00
Pharmacopoeia of the
People's Republic of China (2000 English Edition).
Pharmacopoeia Commission. 2002
This English translation of the Chinese 2000 edition combines in a single,
official, authoritative compendium of almost all traditional Chinese
medicines and most western medicines and preparations. Information is given
for each drug on standards of purity, description, test, dosage, precaution,
storage and strength. Key features: A total of 2691 monographs: 992
for traditional Chinese medicines and 1699 for modern western drugs
• 399 new monographs
added since last English edition in 1995
• Will play an
important role in promoting international trade and cooperation on
ISBN 0119877503
Plants in Cosmetics Vol. I.
Plants and Plant Preparations Used as Ingredients for Cosmetic Products.
Dr. F. Patri & Prof. V. Silano.
Council of Europe. 2002.
This study, originally published in 1989, contains 71 datasheets on plants
and plant preparations used as ingredients of cosmetic products which have
been evaluated by the Council of Europe's Committee of Experts on Cosmetic
Products. The criteria for the assessment of the safety of these plants and
plant preparations is also included. The plants and plant preparations are
also classified into three categories: those plants which do not present a
health hazard; those which are likely to present a health hazard; and those
which could not be evaluated at the time of the study owing to the lack of
sufficient data. The introduction and the criteria for assessment are also
given in French.
ISBN 9287147035 $44.00
Plants in Cosmetics Vol.
Plants and Plant Preparations Used as Ingredients for Cosmetic Products.
Prof. Robert Anton, Dr. Franco
Patri, & Prof. Vittorio Silano. Council of Europe. 2002.
This valuable, user-friendly study contains 44
data sheets on plants and plant preparations which have been evaluated by
the Council of Europe’s Committee of Experts on Cosmetic Products. An
assessment of the safety of these plants and plant preparations is also
included. Bilingual - French/English. Paperback, 195 pp.
ISBN 9287146764
Used in Cosmetics - Volume III. Potentially Harmful Components. Council of
Europe (COE). 2006. As the third volume of a trilogy on Plants in cosmetics,
this study, 'Plants Used in Cosmetics - Volume III: Potentially Hearmful
Components' concerns potentially harmful components which occur naturally in
some plants the ingredients of which could likely be used in cosmetic
products. Its aim is to raise awareness on the implication on consumer
health by use of such ingredients and to trigger preventive measures. The 24
data sheets of components, selected by the authors because they are not
regulated specifically in cosmetic legislation, provide information
particularly for the competent authorities and the manufacturers of raw
materials and cosmetic products, mainly based on currently available
pharmaco-toxicological data. Each monograph includes a bibliography and
conclusions/recommendations. 320 pp. paperback. ISBN 9287159122;
978928715912X. $68.00
The Prevalence of Back Pain in Great Britain in 1996.
A Report on Research
for the Department of Health Using the ONS Omnibus Survey.
Tricia Dodd, Great Britain Office for National
Statistics, Great Britain Department of Health. 1997.
Paperback, iv + 15 pp.
ISBN 0116209682 $26.00
Psychoactive Drugs: The Street Pharmacopoeia.
A guide listing and cross-referencing nomenclature for psychotropic
Alasdair Forsyth. 2000.
This book lists not only generic drug names
but also common names, brand names, pharmacological names, slang names,
archaic names and names of botanical drug sources. The list also names
products which may have been used as drugs in the past, but have been
withdrawn. All drug names are provided in a concise form suitable for use in
the field. It is hoped that this list will be of use to both individuals and
agencies across the spectrum of drug work. Such use may vary from assisting
researchers in drug classification to helping the medical practitioner
quickly to identify any substance from an unfamiliar 'street name'. Contains
details of all substances that may have a potential for illicit use, and
identifies any substance from its street name. Some additional information
about each drug is also provided, including uses, legal status, and
incidence of use in some recent research studies. The existing literature
provides inadequate coverage of the names and varieties of drugs used
non-medically. Nothing similar yet exists, only publications with partial
information may be found. The information is contained in a quickly and
accessible format. Essential for doctors, police, funded drug groups, social
workers, counselors, probation officers, health educators. Paperback, 192
ISBN 0117024759 $40.00
Psychotropic Substances Statistics for 2000 Assessments of Annual Medical &
Scientific Requirements for Substances in Schedules II, III, & IV.
United Nations International
Narcotics Control Board. 2002.
This publication details and reviews statistics of psychotropic substances,
which are mood-altering drugs including antidepressants and tranquilizers.
Dosages, consumption, requirements and national legislation are also looked
at for specific drugs and countries. Compiled by the International Narcotics
Control Board from governments around the world, this tri-lingual
statistical report in English, French and Spanish. Accompanying tables and
commentary make it easy to understand the data and to compare and contrast
figures. Paperback, viii + 292 pp.
ISBN 9210480767 $74.00
Quality Control Methods for Medicinal Plant Materials.
WHO. 1999.
Paperback, viii + 115 pp.
ISBN 9241545100 $44.00
Report of a Working Party of the Standing Medical Advisory Committee on
Sickle Cell, Thalassaemia and Other Haemoglobinopathies.
Alan G.
Johnson, Chairman, Working Party Nuala Sterling chairman, SMAC, Great
Britain Department of Health. 1994.
Document bears publication date 1993 - Sickle
cell, thalassaemia & other haemoglobinopathies. Paperback, 125 pp.
ISBN 0113216998 $19.50
Report on Microbial Antibiotic Resistance in Relation to Food Safety.
Georgala, chairman. 1999.
Paperback, 320 pp.
ISBN 0113222831 $55.00
Reporting Adverse Drug Reactions Definitions of Terms and Criteria for Their
Council for International
Organizations of Medical Sciences. 2000.
The Thalidomide disaster, which struck in 1961,
stimulated national international action towards assuring the safety of
medicinal drugs and reducing the risk of adverse reactions to them. The
response of the World Health Assembly culminated in a few years in an
international system of drug safety monitoring. One effect of this system
was the pharmaceutical industry overcame its mistrust of drug regulatory
authorities, becoming with them experts in the university medical faculties
and international medical societies, an essential and valued partner in the
pursuit of drug safety. A way had to be found of associating the industry
with the World Health Organization (WHO), and it was here that the Council
for International organizations of Medical Sciences (CIOMS), as a
non-governmental organization with a mandate to co-operate with WHO, was in
a position to play a particular role. Under its auspices, the industry could
co-operate with regulatory authorities, medical experts and WHO in projects
for promoting drug safety. This publication, in print and CD-ROM form, is a
product of that co-operation. It is the outcome of a series of international
working groups convened by CIOMS over the past decade in which
representatives of regulatory bodies and pharmaceutical companies, together
with clinical experts and staff members of WHO and CIOMS, agreed on standard
definitions of selected terms for adverse drug reactions and on minimum
requirements for the use of the terms in international reporting.
ISBN 9290360712 $44.00
Research Guidelines for Evaluating the Safety and Efficacy of Herbal
WHO Regional Office for the Western
Pacific. 1994.
Paperback. v + 86 pp.
ISBN 9290611103 $10.00
Review of Health and Social Services for Mentally Disordered Offenders and
Others Requiring Similar Services.
Vol. 7: People with Learning Disabilities
(Mental Handicap) or with Autism.
John Reed. 1994.
Paperback, vii + 197 pp.
ISBN 0113217013 $44.00
The Role of General Practice in Primary Health Care.
W.G.W. Boerma
& D.M. Fleming. 1998.
General practice is emerging from being a
field of medicine practiced by professionals with little specific training, to
become a discipline with its own distinctive features, area of professional
practice and knowledge. This book presents a very clear picture of the role and
functions of general practice in the member states of the WHO European Region.
The first part deals with the nature of general practice and conditions
appropriate to its functioning, which include the administrative framework,
training, quality assurance, professional status and finance. The second part
presents the results of a survey comparing the tasks and activities of general
practitioners in European countries. The third reports on some recent
developments and focuses particularly on the methods used to implement change.
Paperback, xii + 121 pp.
ISBN 0113220987 $55.00
Rules and Guidance for Pharmaceutical Manufacturers and Distributors 2002
(The "Orange Guide").
Medicines Control Agency. 2002.
Commonly known as the "Orange Guide," this
publication brings together the main pharmaceutical Regulations, Directives
and guidance, including GMP and GDP, which manufacturers and wholesalers are
expected to follow when making and distributing medicinal products in the
European Union and European Economic Area. Key
features: This 2002 edition has been substantially
updated to include the following: New annexes 15,16,17 and 18 to the EU
guidelines in Good Manufacturing Practice including the ICH GMP for active
pharmaceutical ingredients • Revised annexes in the Guide to GMP on the
manufacture of sterile products (annex 1), medicinal gases (annex 6) and on
products derived from human blood or plasma (annex 14) • The updated version
of the UK's Code of Practice for Qualified Persons • A new section on the
Inspection and Enforcement Division of the Medicines Control Agency
including notes on mutual recognition agreements for manufacture, supply of
unlicensed products and the services of the Division. Paperback, 344 pp.
ISBN 0113225598
Ship Captain's Medical Guide. 22nd edition.
Maritime & Coastguard
Agency. 1999.
This comprehensive guide is essential reader for
laymen to diagnose and treat injuries, ill health and other medical conditions
on ships where no doctor is present. Written in simple language, the book adopts
a straightforward approach to the diagnosis and treatment of a wide range of
diseases and injuries. It is also recommended for use on expeditions, in isolated
communities and on camps. Fully illustrated, SCMG guides seamen through a range
of procedures, helps avert potential problems and deals with incidents of
varying severity. EC Council
Directives binding on the British Government mean that new regulations will
require Category A and B vessels to carry the latest edition of this guide.
Yachts with employed crews will also have to comply with the new provisions.
Hardcover, iv +
232 pp.
ISBN 0115516581 $66.00
The State of Occupational Safety and Health in the European Union.
Pilot Study.
European Agency for Safety
& Health at Work. 2001.
This European Agency information
project is a first step to the development of a system for monitoring safety and
health in the European Union. It aims at providing decision-makers at Member
State and European level with an overview of the current safety and health
situation in the European Union to support the identification of common
challenges and priority areas for preventive actions. The project report
identifies sectors/occupations most identified to be at risk to. The risks are
categorized as physical exposures, posture and movement exposures, handling
chemicals and psycho-social working conditions. The context of work and the
occupational safety and health outcome were also given. Focal Points
(Authorities nominated by each Member State) provided information on trends and
needs for the development of additional preventive actions related to these
risks. Emerging risks were identified as change in work organization, stress,
manual handling, use of new chemicals, violence and repetitive strain. Workers
under the age of 18, older workers and workers in health and social work were
identified as sensitive work groups. A CD-ROM (contents: Consolidated Report;
National Reports and the Manual) is included with this publication. Paperback, 478 pp.
ISBN 929500700X $36.00
Social Inequalities in Coronary Heart Disease.
Opportunities for
Edited by Imogen Sharp, National Heart Forum. 1998.
This title is part of an initiative
intended to contribute to an overall reduction in coronary heart disease by
examining the reasons for the social class differences in the disease and
setting out strategies and policy options to reduce these inequalities. Although
death rates from the disease have been declining, the social class differences
in coronary heart disease death rates are widening. Increasingly, the disease is
associated with disadvantage. Having said this, the report does find room for
optimism. It argues that, because social class inequalities in coronary heart
disease have widened they can also narrow. The social and economic policies
which contributed to them could be used to raise the standards of the worst to
the best. Includes 12 chapters by various authors, based on a National Heart
Forum expert meeting held in 1994. Paperback, x + 127 pp.
ISBN 0113221053 $40.00
Standard Terms. Special Issue.
Council of
Europe. 2000.
Glossary of pharmaceutical terms, in 21
languages. Paperback, 350 pp.
ISBN 0119860414 $56.00
Sudden Unexpected Deaths in Infancy.
The CESDI-SUDI Studies 1993-1996.
Edited by Peter Fleming, Great
Britain Confidential Enquiry into Stillbirths & Deaths in Infancy. 2000.
Despite the fall in incidence of Sudden Infant Death
Syndrome (SIDS), popularly known as 'cot deaths,' following the Back to Sleep
campaign in 1991, Sudden Unexpected Deaths in Infancy (SUDI) remained the
largest single group of deaths in the post-neonatal period. The report and
recommendations are based on the results of studies carried out from 1993 -
1996. Paperback, xii + 160 pp.
ISBN 0113222998 $50.00
Suicide and Stress in Farmers.
Keith Hawton. 1998.
are at special risk of suicide. Recent large-scale changes and crises in farming
have put them under increasing stress. This book is concerned with the problems
faced by the farming community. The overall aim of the book is to identify
strategies that might help reduce stress levels in farmers and loss of life
through suicide. Clinicians and members of voluntary agencies working in rural
settings will find much of value in the book. It is also an important work for
those with a research interest in suicidal behavior. The findings described in
this book are the result of a research program, conducted by Oxford University
Department of Psychiatry, funded by the Department of Health - Suicide: Farmers:
Research reports. Paperback, ii + 122 pp.
ISBN 011322172X $35.00
IARC Handbooks on Cancer Prevention Handbook 5.
WHO. 2001.
Exposure to the sun’s ultraviolet (UV) rays appears to be the most important factor in the development of skin cancer. Skin cancer is largely preventable when sun protection measures are consistently used. This authoritative illustrated book gives the evaluations on cancer-preventive activity of topical use of sunscreens, as well as recommendations to skin cancer prevention. Key Features: Prepared by an expert group from 10 countries
• Provides an international consensus on the use of sunscreens • Describes the efficacy of the use of sunscreens in skin cancer prevention, as well as the reported unwanted side-effects of such use
• Gives recommendations for further research, and public health related recommendations. 208 pp.
ISBN 9283230051 $50.00
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