GCP Auditing. Methods and Experiences. Presented by an Expert Group of the German Society for Good Research Practice,. 2nd revised edition. 2007. Due to the ”Good Clinical Practice” (GCP) requirements the high demands of quality assurance internationally became an integral part in the conduct of clinical trials. The conducting of audits enables pharmaceutical companies, CROs, authorities etc. to verify whether the required standards are complied with. The methods used for the planning, conducting and evaluation of auditing measures are presented in detail. Thus this textbook provides the necessary material for both the audits as such and for their evaluation. Different fields of work are presented – investigator, clinic, laboratory and CROs. The subjects dealt with include the trial protocol, information for study participants, computer system validation, validation in clinical studies employing electronic data capture systems, audit schedule and audit report. The authors (members of a board of experts of the Deutsche Gesellschaft für Gute Forschungspraxis, DGGF; German Society for Good Research Practice) work in the pharmaceutical industry or at CROs and have had many years of experience in the quality assurance field. 192 pp. ISBN 10: 3-87193-356-2; ISBN 13: 978-3-87193-356-1. $110.00
Pulmonary Drug Delivery.
Basics, Applications and Opportunities for Small
Molecules and Biopharmaceutics. author: K. Bechtold-Peters, H.
Luessen. 2007
Pulmonary drug delivery is an innovative dosage form with a wide spectrum
of use. It certainly has a great future providing new and more
patient-friendly therapeutic drug delivery systems for the application of
insulins, antiasthmatics/ broncholytics and other appropriate active
pharmaceutical ingredients. Summarizing the current state of knowledge
in respect of pulmonary drug delivery, the book deals with the
physiological basis, addresses issues concerning pharmaceutical technology
and production and the clinical and practical application of new dosage
forms. Further discussed are some important aspects of analysis and
regulatory questions. 412 pp.
ISBN 10: 3-87193-322-8;
ISBN 13: 978-3-87193-322-6. $202.00
- Encyclopedia of Excipients. Hoepfner, Eva-Marie; Lang, Siegfried; Reng,
Alwin; Schmidt, Peter Christian. 2007. 6th ed. More
than 12,900 new and revised excipients arranged according to pharmacopoeia
title, INCI, INN, CAS, chemical name and synonyms, formula, etc,
preparation, properties, product data, applications, toxicology (with an
actual overview of pharmacological and toxicological properties and allergy-induing
reactions and FDA status), analytics, references (reviews up to 2005),
single products of groups of substances. Encyclopedic entries give a base
and overview with general descriptions of raw materials (e.g. Butane,
lactose), of substance classes (e.g. eye preparations, moisturizers,
plasticizers, tablet excipients), abbreviations of important names and
institutions (EINECS). Also has a completely revised manufacturers list with
more than 400 firms and websites and current products. A new and revised
survey tables for international use with a separate sections for cosmetic
ingredients review (CIR), coloring agents for cosmetics and drugs, dangerous
substances, food additives, preservatives, sieves, solubilizers,
surfactants, etc. 1600 pp. hardcover. 2 volumes. ISBN:
3-87193-346-5. $595.00; CDROM version: ISBN 3-87193-347-3. $595.00; print+
online 3-87193-345-7 $935.00
Guide to Drug Regulatory Affairs. B. Friese, B. Jentges, U. Muazzam und Beiträgen von T.
A. Keller, C. Oldenhof, K. Olejniczak, H. Potthast, Joachim A. Schwarz,
B. Sickmueller. 2007.
This is the first comprehensive overview of the legal and
framework for marketing authorisation applications in Europe,
Switzerland. It gives extensive and valuable advice on how to compile
a marketing authorisation according to the CTD format (Modules 1 – 5
The ’Guide’ has been developed to penetrate the ’regulatory jungle’
and make related work much easier and more efficient. With both a
printed and a regularly updated online edition, the ‘Guide’ is a
multi-media platform designed to support the different needs of its
many users.
The ’Guide’ is subdivided into four major parts
Contents – The print edition with more than 800 pages is primarily intended as an invaluable reference-book.
The key benefits of the constantly updated, user friendly and easily navigated online edition include:
Target groups:
- Employees, Executives and Directors of Pharmaceutical Companies
and the
API Industry (API Active Pharmaceutical Ingredients)
- Legal Advisers and Attorneys
- Employees and Heads of Regulatory Authorities
- Consultants
- Professionals in Quality Assurance
- Training in Regulatory Affairs
ISBN 3-87193-324-4. hardcover.
Peptidomics in drug development. D. Gänshirt, F. Harms, S. Rohmann, P. Schulz-Knappe. 2005. Peptidomics is used in a wide and growing range of applications in academia, biotech, and pharmaceutical industry. Being driven by innovative technologies, this novel field utilises the information from genomic data to describe disease states and molecular mechanisms of drug action by analyzing the multitude of peptides in living systems. It is already clear that peptidomics is ideally suited for biomarker discovery. The precise diagnosis and personalized treatment of disease is the vision that motivates researchers to enter peptidomics. In this book the peptidomics pioneer BioVisionN gives insight into its unique technologies of differential display analysis of peptides and illustrates appropriate bioinformatics- and data mining tools. They also describe some of the most prominent medical applications of this rapidly emerging technology in CNS diseases, cancer, and diabetes. In addition the Health Care Competence Center – HC3, a specialist for innovative health care strategies, highlights the role and future perspectives of peptidomics in drug development as determined in a global primary data evaluation in the pharmaceutical industry. 152 pp, hardcover. ISBN: 3-87193-323-6. $134.00
ROTE LISTE® Book 2005. Arzneimittelverzeichnis für Deutschland (einschließlich
EU-Zulassungen). author: Rote Liste® Service GmbH.
language: German.
edition / year of publication: 2005.
ROTE LISTE® enables the user to compare drugs from a
pharmacological-therapeutic view. The compendium is arranged by areas
of therapy and substance classes. The drugs having marketing
authorization in Germany and EU-wide are summarized in 88 major
groups. Continuously updated and concise information about
pharmaceu-tical and pharmacological-therapeutic properties. These
informative details make ROTE LISTE® a standard reference of unchanged
value for the prescribing physician and for pharmacists. For drugs
subject to the fixed-price scheme the fixed price is indicated in
addition to the pharmacy selling price.
- 8933 drug entries
- 11423 preparations
- 35063 price indications
- 493 companies
Cosmetic Ingredients.
F.L.H. Kemper,
N.-P. Luepke and W. Umbach. 2001.
This reference book has been newly
compiled based on the previous list "Blaue Liste." It considers all
ingredients of cosmetic products listed in an inventory based on the EC Cosmetic
Directive including inactive ingredients with their INCI names (International
Nomenclature Cosmetic Ingredients), i.e. 8000 substances with more than 150.000
entries. Additionally approximately 1000
substances are listed in an "Annex" for which meanwhile also an INCI
name has been proposed by COLIPA (Comité de Liaison des Associations Européennes
de l'Industrie de la Parfumerie, des Produits Cosmétiques et de Toilette). Directory of cosmetic
ingredients with instructions for use in English, German and French. Entries
in English. Considering European legislation.
Hardcover book with CD-ROM, 880 pp.
CD-ROM for Windows 3.11/95/98/2000/NT.
ISBN 3 87193 239 6 $286.00
Defect Evaluation Lists (printed in German and English)
►Vol. 12: General Principles. Allgemeine Grundlagen. Brüggemann et al. 2004. Paperback, 136 pp. CD-ROM inclusive. ISBN 10: 3-87193-305-8; ISBN 13: 978-3-87193-305-9. $130.00
NEW! ►Vol. 13: Secondary packaging materials (printed and non-printed). with CDROM new 5th edition 2009. S. Harl & W. Stolze. 2009 . Paperback, 132 pp. ISBN 9783871933776. $143.00
►Vol. 15:
Aerosol Cans Made of Metal. Aerosoldosen aus Metall. W. Stolze & H.D. Ruthemann. 1996. Paperback, 92 pp. ISBN 3 87193 171 3 $70.00►Vol. 17: Injection-moulded Parts Made of Plastic: Boxes, Tubes, Turning and Sliding Mechanism.
Spritzgußteile aus Kunststoff: Dosen, Röhren, Schachteln, Dreh- und Schiebemechanismen. H.D. Ruthemann, W. Stolze. 1993. Paperback, 88 pp. ISBN 3 87193 133 0 $70.00►Vol. 18: Plastic Stoppers, Desiccators and Caps.
Kunststoff-Stopfen, Trockenkapseln und Aufsteckkappen. H.D. Ruthemann & W. Stolze. 1995. Paperback, 76 pp. ISBN 3 87193 162 4 $70.00NEW! ►Vol. 19: Containers Made of Tubular Glass. Behältnisse aus Röhrenglas. F.R. Rimkus & P. Raimann. 2009. new 4th edition! Paperback, 122 pp. CD-ROM inclusive. ISBN 978-3-87193-358-5 $143.00
Vol. 20: Rubber Parts. Gummiteile. G. Ziegert. 3rd ed. 2007. Paperback, 120 pp. CD-ROM included. ISBN 978-3-87193-366-0 $151.00►
Vol. 21: Valves, Pumps, Adaptors. Ventile, Pumpen, Adapter. H.D. Ruthemann & W. Stolze. 2007. Paperback, 76 pp. plus CDROM. 3-87193-371-6; ISBN 13: 978-3-87193-371-4 . $115.00FORTHCOMING! ►Vol. 22: Injection-moulded Parts Made of Plastic: Closures, Sealing Disks, Dosage Aids (Droppers, etc.). Spritzgußteile aus Kunststoff: Verschlüsse, Dichteinlagen, Dosierhilfen (Tropfer etc.). R. Theobald & W. Stolze. 2010. Paperback, 80 pp. ISBN 978 3 87193 406 3 $109.00
Vol. 23: Plastic-moulded Containers. Hohlblaskörper aus Kunststoff. F.R. Rimkus & W. Stolze. 2010. Paperback, 112 pp. ISBN 978 3 87193 405 6 $143.00
NEW! ► Vol. 26 Medical Needles. 2009. describes the basic principles and features for defect evaluation for medical needles with plastic and/or metal hub, perfusion instruments, indwelling needles and needles connected to other medical devices or packaging materials. ISBN 9783871933783. $109.00
Vol. 34: Applicators and Measuring Devices Made of Plastic. Applikatoren und Meßeinrichtungen aus Kunststoff. P. Raimann & H.D. Ruthemann. 1989. Paperback, 40 pp. ISBN 3 87193 105 5 $36.00►
Vol. 35: Disposable Syringes and Needles. Eimmalspritzen und Kanülen. F.R. Rimkus & P. Raimann. 1990. Paperback, 56 pp. ISBN 3 87193 109 8 $56.00►
Vol. 36: Packaging Materials Made of Corrugated Board. Packmittel aus Wellpappe. F.R. Rimkus, P. Raimann & W. Stolze. 2008, 3rd ed. with CDROM. Paperback, 80 pp. ISBN 978 3 87193 373 8 $115.00►
Vol. 37: Bags and Liners Made of Plastic and Plastic-containing Materials. Beutel und Säcke aus Kunststoff und Kunststoffverbunden. F.R. Rimkus & P. Raimann. 1995. Paperback, 76 pp. ISBN 3 87193 164 0 $67.00►
Vol. 38. Defect Evaluation List for Tins and Lids Made of Metal. author: Fritz Reinhard Rimkus, Jochen Bartels. language: German, English. edition / year of publication: 1st. edition, 2006. Series: Quality Assurance of Pharmaceutical and Cosmetic Packaging Materials (Defect and evaluation lists), Volume 38. Useful working instructions for the testing of pharmaceutical packages (complying with GMP regulations) - Tins and Lids Made of Metal. Taking into consideration pharmaceutical and cosmetic aspects and complying with available recommendations of the German Quality Assurance Society, Military Standards 105 D and 414, the VG Sheets of Bundesbeschaffungsamt (BWB) and Guideline DIN 40 080, several packaging control experts from various pharmaceutical and cosmetics companies have compiled an extensive and detailed documentation on the quality assurance of packaging materials. They can be considered an essential aid for the manufacturing and processing industries. 72 pages incl. CD-ROM. paperback. ISBN 10: 3-87193-344-9; ISBN 13: 978-3-87193-344-8. $99.00
►Vol. 40:
Defect Evaluation List for Tubes Made of Laminate and Plastic. edition / year of publication: 2001. author: M. Treutner, W. StolzeEC Guide to Good Manufacturing Practice for Medicinal Products for Human and Veterinary Use
. 4th Edition. 2009. . Paperback, 244 pp. ISBN 13: 978-3-87193-395-0. $92.00
European Genetic
Engineering Law.
Edited by H.
Hasskarl. 2002.
Since the two detailed Council
Directives on the "Contained Use" and the "Deliberate Release" in April
1990, the European Genetic Engineering law has been amended again and again.
Problems of genetic engineering, including all legal regulations, have
become of increasing interest to the public. At present there is discussion
of an amendment of the Novel Food Directive, which will add a decisive
completion to the information of the customer. These recent developments
caused the editor and the publishing house to compile all relevant EC
Regulations and EC Directives in a book. This edition contains the
respective texts in both German and English.
ISBN 3 87193 267 1
Dictionary: German - English - French - Espanõl. 5th Edition. 2010.
This practice-orientated dictionary,
now includes Spanish terms,
with more than 6000 entries. This specialized dictionary is a practical help
for the pharmaceutical industry and their suppliers, public administration,
academia, translation agencies and many more. Entries concern the
production, quality control and assurance, marketing authorization etc.
version: 978-3-87193-386-8 $151.00
Pharmaceutical Technician. 6th edition.
Basic Knowledge & GMP Training for Employees in Pharmaceutical
Th. Barthel, U
Fritzsche & P. Schwarz. 2003.
The 6th edition of this well
established and proven textbook for day-to-day practice in the
pharmaceutical industry is now available in English again. Thus it may be
used for training purposes beyond the German language barriers. It is
intended mainly for the staff - regardless of their educational background -
in pharmaceutical companies and laboratories. The book imparts the necessary
basic knowledge including pertinent information on Good Manufacturing
Practice (GMP). Numerous photos, graphs and tables illustrate and complement
the textual contents. Questions at the end of a particular section
facilitate the acquirement of the subject matter. The major terminology is
explained in a glossary, and an index is also provided. Paperback, 200 pp.
ISBN 3 87193 282 5 $97.00
a Business in the Life Sciences.
From Idea to Market.
Edited by Henrik
Luessen. 2003.
Biotechnology/Life Science caused a
real boom at both the stock exchange and in the industry. Notwithstanding
its decline, new business ideas are still created and realized in this
sector. This practice-oriented guide provides comprehensive background
knowledge for promoters of firms and all others involved in the sphere of
biotechnology. A wide range of subjects from business plan, financing,
question of location, patent portfolios, and cooperations to long-term
perspectives of prevailing on hte market are dealt with. The four chapters
are divided into these categories: I Establishing the Company • II
From Ideas and Intellectual Properties to an Established Business
Relationship • III Maturing the Company • IV Personal Experiences of
Selected Successful Company Starters. Bilingual German/English edition.
Target audience: Promoters of firms, university schools of biochemistry,
pharmacy, chemistry, biology, microbiology, biotechnology, medicines,
conulsting firms and compnaies supporting life-science companies,
bio-science parks, banks, venture capital providers, companies from USA or
Asia intending to establish European branches. Paperback, 328 pp.
ISBN 3 87193 277 9 $187.00
UV and IR Spectra of Some
Important Drugs.
H.W. Dibbern, R.M
Muller, & E. Wirbitzki. 2002.
This English language
collection contains the PDF files for 1,552 UV and IR spectra of important
pharmaceutical agents and 121 IR spectra of pharmaceutical and cosmetic
excipients. The CD-ROM offers one electronic "page" for each substance. The
pages presenting the agents contain, besides the spectra, the structural
formula, a table with characteristic UV absorption data and some information
on the therapeutic use. For excipients, a list which is arranged
alphabetically and by substance name is available to the user; in addition,
the user can select a page via an index of therapeutic uses or a specfinder
list. The substance pages can be selected via an alphabetical list like with
the excipients. This collection of spectra is available in English. User
information may be retrieved bilingually (English and German). CD-ROM.
ISBN 3 87193
238 8 $646.00
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