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We are now the distributor for Instituto Plantarum de Estudios da Flora, formerly Editora Plantarum, located in Nova Odessa, Sao Paulo, Brazil. The senior author and publisher of these books is Agronomic Engineer, Harri Lorenzi. He has been trained as a weed specialist. His stunning color photographs make these valuable additions to any library. Nearly all books are in Portuguese, with Latin names as well as vernacular names. email your order or go back to our homepage. (Our airfreight charges from Brazil are included in the listed price). PLEASE NOTE: because these books are heavy, they do not arrive from Brazil in perfect shape, they sometimes have small bends on the corners. If you require perfect copies, please do not order these books. They will not always be perfect and we do not allow returns. Prices are subject to change based on the foreign exchange rate.


arvores22.jpg (16962 bytes)Brazilian Trees, volume 1 & 2. English Translations of Arvores Brasilieras. A Guide to the Identification and Cultivation of Brazilian Native Trees description: each volume has  384 p.. 2112 color photos, 352 species. These well-illustrated books are in English, in a 21 x 31 cm format, showing the most important species of trees of Brazil, with colored photos of adult trees, flowers, leaves, fruit, seeds, bark and wood. Written information on the characteristics of each plant, its phenology, occurence, gathering of seeds, production of seedlings, etc., is given. Printed on good quality paper of 115 g with one plant species per page, has hard cover binding. Totally printed in couche glossy paper of 115 g with one plant species per page, has hard cover binding. Volume 1, 4th edition. 2112 pp., 353 species, 384 pp. ISBN: 85-86714-17-8. $120.00; volume 2, 3rd ed. ISBN: 85-86714-15-1. $120.00 

Brazilian Trees, Volume 3: A Guide to the Identification and Cultivation of Brazilian Native Trees. 1st Edition. 2009. This book is a continuation of the works "Brazilian Trees - Vol. 1 and Vol. 2”, the first published originally in 1992 and second in 1998, both now updated on several occasions. It contains the same number of species of each of these two volumes, including having the same graphic design and composition, but comprises almost exclusively of rare and little known, since the most common and easiest to find, have been included in the two initial volumes. This volume contains color photographs of the mature tree, detail of a branch florífero, fruit, seed, stem and wood, 352 tree species occurring in native state on the territory Brazil. It also contains written information on the morphological characteristics of each plant, its phenology, natural, obtaining seeds and seedlings, etc.  ISBN: 85-86714-34-4. 384 pp. 2112 color pictures. Language: English. Hardcover. $120.00

Ornamentais No Brasil 4ª EDIÇÃO. Arbustivas, herbáceas e Trepadeiras. 2008.  Ornamental plants of Brazil: shrubs, herbs and vines. Este livro refere-se às espécies de plantas ornamentais herbáceas, arbustivas e trepadeiras que compõem no momento os jardins brasileiros e as que, ainda no estado silvestre, tem potencial para compô-los. É o resultado de novo levantamento realizado nos últimos 7 anos em todo o território brasileiro, constituindo-se na quarta edição desta obra, lançada pela primeira vez em 1995 e já vendida cerca de 100 mil exemplares. Visando mantê-la atualizada, muitas espécies apresentadas na edição anterior foram substituídas por outras que no momento estão sendo mais cultivadas. Isso decorreu do fato de que o número total de 1056 espécies (1120 páginas) apresentadas na edição anterior é o máximo possível para obter-se um exemplar manuseável; assim, foram introduzidas cerca de 65 novas espécies e retiradas igual número. Além dessas alterações, substituiu-se cerca de 250 fotografias por outras de melhor qualidade, atualizou-se o texto e a nomenclatura botânica de muitas espécies e adequou-se a organização segundo o APG II, visando deixá-lo mais atualizado, útil e atraente. Encadernação: capa dura em percalux com sobrecapa; 1.056 espécies de plantas, com uma por página; 2.112 fotos coloridas (2 por espécie); Papel couchê liso 115 g importado; Número total de páginas: 1.120 . ISBN: 85-86714-30-6. in Portuguese. $150.00

Medicinais No Brasil. Nativas e Exóticas. 2nd ed. Medicinal Plants of Brazil. Native & Exotics. 2008. In Portuguese! Temos o prazer de anunciar o lançamento da 2ª edição deste livro; trata-se, na verdade, de uma nova obra, significativamente ampliada com mais de 25 espécies de plantas e totalmente atualizada, tanto no seu conteúdo medicinal como botânico (este agora segundo o APG II). Adicionalmente, estamos trocando e introduzindo dezenas de novas imagens. Encadernação em capa dura e impressa à 4 cores; 394 espécies ilustradas com fotografias coloridas; Número total páginas: 576, sendo 512 com fotos (modelo ao lado); Cerca de 1000 fotos coloridas; Totalmente impresso em papel couchê liso 115 g. ISBN: 85-86714-28-3. $100.00

 Brazilian Fruits & Cultivated Exotics for consuming in nature. covers 827 different types of native and exotic fruits. ISBN: 85-867174-24-0. $100.00

BOTÂNICA SISTEMÁTICA. Guia Ilustrado para identificação das famílias de Angiospermas da flora brasileira, baseado em APG II. Harri Lorenzi. 2008. Tamanho 15,5 x 22,3 cm (modelo de página ao lado); Encadernação em capa dura e impressa à 4 cores; 1408 fotografias à cores; 1400 gêneros das 215 famílias brasileiras ilustrados com fotografias; 640pp;  In Portuguese only. ISBN: 85-86714-29-0 $160.00 (approximate)

Plantas Daninhas do Brasil 4ª Edição, terrestres, aquáticas, parasitas e tóxicas (Weedy plants of Brazil, terrestrial, aquatic, parasitic and exotic). 2008. 608 espécies com duas fotos por página (modelo ao lado) e - 672 páginas e 1216 fotos coloridas; ISBN: 85-86714-27-6. $100.00

Palmeiras Brasileiras e Exóticas Cultivadas.  Brazilian Palms and exotic cultivated. 1149 color photos showing tree, leaves, fruits, distribution map. 383 species of palms (208 native; 175 exotic)- one species per page. 432 pp.  ISBN: 85-86714-20-8. $120.00 in Portuguese!

Árvores Exóticas No Brasil. Madeiras, Ornamentais e Aromáticas. + de 1000 fotografías coloridas (4 para cada espécie); 352 espécies de árvores (1 para cada página); Número total de páginas: 382, sendo 352 à cores; ISBN: 85-86714-19-4. $220.00





Lorenzi, H. et al. 1997. Palmeiras no Brasil. Nativas e exoticas. Palms of Brazil. Natives and exotics. This is the most complete book ever published in Portuguese on Brazilian palms. This magnificently researched book is authored by the five most well-known scientists on the subject in the country. It is a complete identification and cultivation guide richly-illustrated with color plates, covering detailed information about the 132 indigenous palms species and the 152 exotic ones, found throughout the country... This is a complete identification and cultivation guide illustrated with Lorenzi's typically-beautiful color photos.. If you have his Arvores Brasilieras you know what I am talking about.. under each species there are several color photos showing the tree, leaves, fruits, etc. also are descriptions, uses, production, and distribution and habitat.. 852 color plates (3 photos per page), 320 pages (284 in color). weighs 12 kilogram! hardcover. ISBN 85-86714-03-8 $120.00

sample page

1) Whole palm picture
2) Close up picture
3) Fruits picture
4) Palm description

"PALMS IN BRAZIL - Natives and Exotics": an English language version is now being planned. It will be a richly illustrated work with 384 pages and 1,050 color photos, comprising 200 Brazilian species and 150 exotic ones grown in Brazil.

Lorenzi, H.. 2000. 5th ed. Manual de identificacao e controle de plantas daninhas. Manual for the Identification and Control of Weeds. 4th ed. hardcover.. 300 pages.. completely illustrated with color photos.. . similar to his plantas daninhas, this book deals with agricultural weed (many of which occur in the USA), a short Portuguese descriptions, Latin name, common Portuguese names and then the various herbicides used to control. could be used as field guide. This is a practical and illustrated field manual, in Portuguese, containing colored photos of the plant, seedling and seeds of the 143 main weed species found in the cultivated soils of Brazil, besides information in table form on their control by all herbicides sold in the Brazil. It was coordinated by Agronomic Engineer Harri Lorenzi, with the participation of the main weed researchers. ISBN 85-86714-10-0. $80.00