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Advances in Limnology, Volume
Patterns and factors of biota distribution in remote European mountain lakes.
Jordi Catalan, Christopher J. Curtis, Martin Kernan.
2009. ISBN: 978-3-510-47064-8. 440 pages, 110 figures, 77 tables, 7 appendices.
Paperback. $178.50
This special issue presents a number of studies which examine the planktonic
environment, the littoral and benthic zones, the indicative value of lake
sediments for assessments of ecological status and several integrated regional
Advances in Limnology, Volume
The Ecology of the Hyporheic Zone of Running Waters.
Patterns, Processes and Bottleneck Functions. Dietrich: Borchardt and
Martin Pusch. 2009. ISBN: 978-3-510-47063-1. 224 pages, 65 figures, 28 tables.
Paperback. $129.20
Cyanoprokaryota. In honour of Jiri Komarek on the occasion of his 75th
anniversary. 2008. 265 pages, 144 figures, 17 tables, 24x16cm. (Algological
Studies/Archiv für Hydrobiologie, Suppl. Vol., No. 126) Order No. ES221012600
paperback, $296.60
50th Anniversary of International Association for Danube Research (IAD).
Selected papers of the 36th IAD-Conference 4-8 September 2006. Vienna-Klosterneuburg
(Austria). Transboundary River Management, Water Framework Directive. Ed.:
Dokulil, Martin; Hein, Thomas; Janauer, Georg; Teodorovic, Ivana 2008. 360
pages, 100 figures, 60 tables, 1 appendix, 25x18cm (Archiv für Hydrobiologie -
Supplementbände, volume 166 No. 1-2). paperback, $302.40
Algological Studies: Edited by Oldrich Lhotsky. Editorial Board: H.
Huebel, E. Kessler, J. Komarek, L. Kovacik, J. Kristiansen, P. Marvan, E. Miadokova, I.
Setlik. (The Series "Algological Studies" is a Supplement to the Archive
für Hydrobiologie). No. 1 83, 1970 96. Approx. 4 volumes per year.
1 volume has 1 issue. <ISSN 0342-1120>. ..............
Advances in Limnology
Ergebnisse der Limnologie. Special issues of Archive für Hydrobiologie. Official Journal of the International Association for
Theoretical and Applied Limnology. Ed. by W. Lampert. <ISSN 0071-1128>
Heft 1: .................................... out of print
Heft 2: Frey, David G.: Remains of animals in Quaternary lake and bog sediments and their interpretation. l964. I I. 114 pages. 48 figs.. 2 plates, 1 tab. ISBN 3-510-47002-8. DM 23/ $15
Heft 3/4: Korde. Nina Witaljewna: Algenreste in Seesedimenten. Zur Entwicklungsgeschichte der Seen und umliegenden Landschaften. II, 32 S., 2 Abb.. 4 Taf. & Jure, A.: Diatomeen in Seesedimenten. 1966. II, 38 S.. 5 Abb., 9 Taf. ISBN 3-510-47003-6. DM 34.40/ $21
Heft 5/6: Fogg, G.E.: Extracellular Products of Algae in Freshwater. l971. II. 25 pages. Hofmann, Wolfgang: Zur Taxonomie und Paloekologie subfossiler Chironomiden (Dipt.) in Seesedimenten. 1971. II, 50 S., 50 Abb. 3-510-47004-4. DM 33.40/ $20
Heft 7: Sladecek, Vladimir: System of Water Quality from the Biological Point of View. 1973. IV. 218 pages, 71 figs. 64 tables. 1 appendix. 3-510-47005-2. DM 88/ $52
Heft 8: Proceedings of the First International Rotifer Symposium. Edited by Charles W. King. 1977. Vl, 315 pages, 2 plates, 95 figs., 40 tables. 3-510-47006-0. DM 74/ $44
Heft 9: Symposium on Saprobiology. Edited by Vladimir Sladecek. 1978. IV, 243 pages. 4 plates. 89 figs., 40 tables. 3-510-47007-9. DM 88/ $52
Heft 10: Harris, Graham P.: Photosynthesis, Productivity and Growth: The physiological ecology of phytoplankton. 1978. IV, 171 pages, 27 figs., 4 tables. 3-510-470087. DM 58/ $35
Heft 11: Microalgae for food and feed. Proceedings of a German-Israeli Workshop held 17.18. October 1977 at Neuherberg. Edited by Carl J. Soeder and Rudolf Binsack. 1978. IV, 300 pages, 86 figs., 93 tables. 3-510-47009-5. DM 98/ $58
Heft 12: Measurement of microbial activities in the carbon cycle of freshwaters. Proceedings of the workshop. Editor: Juergen Overbeck. 1979. VI, 170 pages, 58 figs. and 26 tables. 3-510-47010-9. DM 64/ $38
Heft l3: Lake Metabolism and Management. Papers emanating from the Limnological Jubilee Symposium of Uppsala University (1477 1977). Editor: W. Rodhe, G.E. Likens, C. Serruya. 1979. IV, 349 pages, 136 figs., 54 tables. 3-510-47011-7. DM 128/ $76
Heft 14: The measurement of photosynthetic pigments in freshwaters and standardization of methods. Proceedings of the workshop held at Ploen, West Germany, July 28-29, 1978. Organized by Max-Planck-Institut fuer Limnologie, Abt. Tropenoekologie. Editor: Hakumat Rai. 1980. 106 pages, 32 figs.,16 tables. 3-510-47012-5. DM 56/ $33
Heft 15: Birks, Hilary H.: Plant macrofossils in Quaternary lake sediments. 1980. 60 pages, 6 figs. 3-510-47013-3. DM 34/ $20
Heft 16: The measurement of photosynthetic pigments in freshwaters and standardization of Methods. Proceedings of the second Workshop held at Plon, July 17/18, 1980. Organized by Max-Planck-Institut fuer Limnologie. Ed. by Hakumat Rai and A.F.H. Marker. 1982. 130 pages, 38 figs., 34 tables. 3-510-47014-1. DM 59.80/ $36
Heft 17: Falkner, Renate & Simonis, Wilhelm: Polychlorierte Biphenyle (PCB) im Lebensraum Wasser (Aufnahme und Anreicherung durch Organismen - Probleme der Weitergabe in der Nahrungspyramide). Ein Literaturbericht fuer die Jahre 1972 1979. 1982. 74 S., 8 Fig., 20 Tab. Paper Text ISBN 3-510-47015-X. 74p. 3-510-47015-X. DM 42/ $25
Heft l 8: Nutrient remobilization from sediments and its limnological effects. 1982. 113 pages, 64 figs., 10 tables. Paper Text. 113p. ISBN 3-510-47016-8. DM 56.80/ $34
Heft 19: Measurement of Microbial Activity in the Carbon Cycle of Aquatic Ecosystems. Proceedings of the Second Workshop. Edited by Juergen Overbeck, Manfred G. Hoefle, Christiane Krambeck and Karl-Paul Witzel. 1984. XII, 316 pages, 98 figs., 68 tables. Paper Text ISBN 3-510-47017-6. 328p. Paper Text ISBN 3-510-47017-6. DM 138/ $82
Heft 20: Production and Use of Microalgae. Edited by W.E. Becker. 1985. VI, 198 pages, 51 figs., 55 tables. 200p. Paper Text ISBN 3-510-47018-4. DM 96/ $57
Heft 21: Food limitation and the structure of zooplankton communities. Proceedings of an International Symposium held at Pion, W. Germany, July 9 13, 1984. Edited by Winfried Lampert. 1985. VIII, 497 pages, 207 figs., 82 tables. Paper Text. ISBN 3-510-47019-2. DM 188/ $111
Heft 22: Advances in fishery biology: Biology, exploitation, rearing and propagation of coregonid fishes. Proceedings of the symposium on coregonid fishes held October 2 4, 1984 at Thonon (France). Edited by Konrad Dabrowski and Alexis Champigneulle. 1986. VIII, 386 pages, 136 figs., 109 tables. Trade Paper ISBN 3-510-47020-6. DM 156/ $92
Heft 23: John, David M.: The inland waters of tropical West Africa. An introduction and botanical review. 1986. IV, 244 pages, 65 figs., 29 tables, 15 photos in appendix. Paper Text. ISBN 3-510-47021-4. DM98/ $58
Heft 24: Mueller, Helga: Hydrocarbons in the freshwater environment. A literature review. 1987. 69 pages, 9 figs., 16 tables. 69p. Paper Text ISBN 3-510-47022-2. DM 42/ $25
Heft 25: International Symposium on the phycology of large lakes of the world. Held at the First International Congress, St. Johns Newfoundland, Canada. Proceedings. Edited by M. Munawar. 1987. V, 256 pages, 98 figs., 44 tables, 7 fig. in appendix. ISBN 3-510-47023-0. DM 98/ $58
Heft 26: Braukmann, Ulrich: Zoozoenologische und saprobiologische Beitraege zu einer allgemeinen regionalen Bachtypologie. 1987.....................out of print
Heft 27: Waterplants and wetland processes. Proceedings of the 2nd INTECOL Wetland Conference, Trebon, CSSR, June 13 23, 1984. Edited by Jan Pokorny, Oldrich Lhotsky, Patrick Denny, and E.G. Turner. 1987. VIII, 265 pages, 71 figs., 24 tables. 265p. Paper Text ISBN 3-510-47025-7. DM 110/ $65
Heft 28: Sustainable clean water. Proceedings of the Regional Workshop on Limnology and Water Resources Management in the Developing Countries of Asia and the Pacific, Nov. 29 Dec. 5, 1982, University of Malaya, Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia. Editors: R.P. Lim, A.B. Viner, L.H.S. Lim and J.I. Furtado. 1987. XVII, 571 pages, 127 figs., 112 tables, 9 appendices. Paper Text ISBN 3-510-47026-5. DM 240/ $142.00
Heft 29: Chlorophyllfluoreszenz in der Oekologie. Herausgeber: D. Ernst. 1987. VIII, 146 S., 86 Abb., 7 Tab.146p. German. Paper Text ISBN 3-510-47027-3. DM 78/ $46
Heft 30: Proceedings of the first international workshop on sediment phosphorus, March 1986. Edited by Roland Psenner and Amarasinha Gunatilaka. 1988. VII, 115 pages, 30 figs., 32 tables. 115p. Paper Text. ISBN 3-510-47028-1. DM 54/ $32
Heft 31: Measurement of microbial activities in the carbon cycle in aquatic ecosystems. Proceedings of the third international workshop, 18 21 Aug., 1986. Edited by T.E. Cappenberg and C.L.M. Steenbergen. 1988. XII, 390 pages, l 11 figs., 74 tables. 390p. Paper Text ISBN 3-510-47029-X. DM 174/ $103
Heft 32: Cyanobacterial growth and dominance in two eutrophic lakes. Edited by Warwick F. Vincent. 1989. V, 254 pages, 91 figs., 49 tab. 254p. Paper Text. ISBN 3-510-47030-3. DM 134/ $79
Heft 33: Proceedings of the International Conference on Reservoir Limnology and Water Quality, June 15 20, 1987. Edited by Vera Straskrabova, Z. Brandl, B. Henderson-Sellers, O. T. Lind, Vladimir Sladecek and J. F. Talling. ISBN 3-510-47031-1
Teil 1: Physical limnology, mathematical models and microbial decomposition. Edited by B. Henderson-Sellers and Vera Straskrabova. 1989. XIV, 287 pages, 112 figs., 53 tab. 287p. Paper Text ISBN 3-510-47032-X. DM 160/ $95
Teil 2: Chemical limnology, primary production, plankton, benthos and fish interactions. Edited by J. F. Talling, Z. Brandl and Vera Straskrabova. 1989. VIII, 356 pages, 146 figs., 67 tab. 644p. Trade Paper ISBN 3-510-47033-8. DM 184/ $109
Teil 3: Key factors of reservoir limnology, eutrophication, water quality and its prediction. Edited by O. T. Lind and Vera Straskrabova. 1990. IV, 333 pages, 2 plates, 133 figs., 82 tab. Paper Text ISBN 3-510-47034-6. DM 184/ $109
Heft 34: Measurement of Microbial Activities in the Carbon Cycle in Aquatic Ecosystems. Proceedings of the Fourth International Workshop. Edited by Vera Straskrabova. 1990. IX, 304 pages, 102 figs., 47 tab. 304p. Paper Text ISBN 3-510-47035-4. DM 164/ $97
Heft 35: Vertical structure in aquatic environments and its impact on trophic linkages and nutrient fluxes. Edited by Colin S. Reynolds and Yasunori Watanabe. 1992. VI, 159 pages, 79 figs., 17 tab. 159 p. Trade Paper ISBN 3-510-47036-2. DM 88/ $52
Heft 36: Advanced techniques of in situ studies of zooplankton abundance, distribution, and behaviour. Edited by W. Gary Sprules, Peter C. Schulze and Craig E. Williamson. 1992. XII, 140 pages, 51 figs., 10 tab. 140p. Trade Paper ISBN 3-510-47037-0. DM 88/ $52
Heft 37: Microbial ecology of pelagic environments. Proceedings of the Fifth International Workshop on the Measurement of Microbial Activities in the Carbon Cycle in Aquatic Environments. Edited by Peter Koefoed Bjornsen and Bo Rie-mann. 1992. VI, 278 pages, 100 figs., 36 tab. Paper Text ISBN 3-510-47038-9. DM 168/ $99
Heft 38: Limnology of Eifel maar lakes. Edited by Burkhard W. Scharf and Sven Bjork. 1992. VIII, 348 pages, 192 figs., 50 tab. 348p. English, German. Paper Text. ISBN 3-510-47039-7. DM 148/ $88
Heft 39: Diel vertical migration of zooplankton. Proceedings of an International Symposium held at Lelystad, The Netherlands. Edited by Joop Ringelberg. 1993. X, 222 pages, 92 figs., 30 tab. 222p. Paper Text ISBN 3-510-47040-0. DM 98/ $58
Heft 40: Proceedings of the Second International Conference on Reservoir Limnology and Water Quality. Edited by Vera Straskrabova, J. F. Tailing. 1994. VIII, 294 pages, 121 figs., 61 tab. in text. Trade Paper ISBN 3-510-47041-9. DM 178/ $105
Heft 41: Studies on Lake Nantua (France). A eutrophic lake on the way to rehabilitation. Edited by Jacques Feuillade. 1994. IX, 144 pages, 57 figs., 21 tab. Paper Text ISBN 3-510-47042-7. DM 89/ $53
Heft 42: Algae and Water Pollution. Edited by L.C. Rai and J.P. Gaur and C.J. Soeder. 1994. VIII, 302 pages, 28 figs., 26 tab. Paper Text ISBN 3-510-47043-5. DM 118/ $70
Heft 43: Impact of UV-B radiation on pelagic freshwater ecosystems. Edited by Craig E. Williamson and Horacio E. Zagarese. 1994. VII, 226 pages, 88 figs., 29 tab., 2 app. Paper Text. ISBN 3-510-47044-3. DM 98/ $58
Heft 44: Speciation in Ancient Lakes. Edited by Koen Martens, Boudewijn Goddeeris and George Coulter. 1994. Ancient lakes are extant, long lived lakes which feature great biodiversity. This volume presents the results of the first of a series of workshops on speciation in ancient lakes (held at Mont Rigi field station of the University of Liège, Belgium, March 1--5, 1993). Contributors to the workshop examined hypotheses and compared ideas on evolutionary patterns and processes in the remarkable old faunas. X, 508 pages, 1 plate, 76 figs., 62 tab., 2 app. in the text. Trade Paper. ISBN 3-510-47045-1. $139.00
Heft 45: Ecological studies on the littoral and pelagic systems of Lake Okeechobee, Florida (USA). Edited by Nicholas G. Aumen and Robert G. Wetzel. 1995. Lake Okeechobee is considered to be the «liquid heart» of the interconnected Kissiee River / Lake Okeechobee / Everglades ecosystem of south Florida, USA. This large (1732 square km) shallow lake (mean depth 2.7 m) is vital natural resource; it provides flood protection and water supply and serves as a recreation area for more than 3,5 million people. A diverse littoral region occupies 25¸ an important habitat for economically important fish and wildlife stocks, including several endangered species. Human activities in the latter part of this century have deteriorated the quality of the Lake Okeechobee ecosystem. Diffuse inputs of nutrients (mainly from cattle ranching and diary operations to the north) have doubled the phosphorus concentration of the lake water between 1970 and 1980. Excess nutrient loading has been the cause of an increased frequency and intensity of blue-green algal blooms -- a signal of lake eutrophication. Surface scums with unpleasant odors as an obvious sign of declining water quality have heightened public concerns and led to the formation of committees and advisory groups to provide recommendations for lake protection and recovery. The water quality monitoring programs were supplemented with a substantial research program. In the wake of the algal blooms in the 1980s several interdisciplinary research projects were initiated, including a study of the lake's phosphorus dynamics, a watershed phosphorus transport and retention study, and a study of the lake's ecosystem. The present volume presents the results of the Lake Okeechobee ecosystem study. The ecosystem study, along with the results of other studies, has provided a scientific foundation for better resource management decisions and has increased our understanding of Lake Okeechobee and subtropical lakes in general.VI, 356 pages, 103 figs., 62 tables in the text. Paper Text. ISBN 0-614-97987-0. DM 138/ $82
Heft 46: Biology and Management of Coregonid Fishes 1993. Proceedings of the Fifth International Symposium on the Biology and Management of Coregonid Fishes held in Olsztyn, Poland, August 22-27, 1993. The issue editors: Miroslaw Luczynski, managing editor and co-editors R. Andrew Bodaly, William A. Bond u.a. 1995. Coregonid fishes are an interesting and important group of freshwater and anadromous fishes. Coregonids are highly adaptable to diverse environmental conditions and are widely distributed throughout the Holarctic. They support substantial commercial, subsistence, and recreational fisheries. Also, Coregonid fishes are the basis of aquaculture operations in some countries and rearing techniques are important for aquaculture and for sustaining and augmenting natural populations. Coregonids are fascinating subjects for the study of evolutionary and zoogeographic problems. These fishes are also useful in the study of general fish biology and interspecific interactions. This volume represents the proceedings of the Fifth International Symposium on the Biology and Management of Coregonid Fishes. The objectives of the symposium were to address all aspects of biology, genetics, aquaculture and management of coregonid fishes, throughout their entire geographic range. The conference themes were: biology, life history and population dynamics; genetics and systematics; aquaculture; fisheries and fisheries management and human interventions. VIII, 485 pages, with 190 figs. and 116 tab. in the text. Trade Cloth. ISBN 3-510-47047-8. DM 174/ $103
Heft 47: Suspended Particulate Matter in Rivers and Estuaries. Proceedings of an International Symposium held at Reinbek near Hamburg, Germany. Edited by Hartmut Kausch & Walfried Michaelis. 1996. The present volume features fifty-seven papers presented at the international symposium «Suspended matter in rivers and estuaries» held at Reinbek, Germany, March 21--25, 1994. The contributions cover all aspects of particulate matter in aquatic environments. Topics span a wide range and can be divided in five principal groups: composition and properties of particulates, spatial and temporal variations of the distribution of particulate matter (scaling effects), particle-solute interactions, particle dynamics and transport processes and, as the result of the above processes, impact of particles and their absorbed load on the environment. Particulates in aquatic ecosystems are a complex phenomenon which demands to be approached multidisciplinarily, especially for the studies of rivers with variable water discharges and irregular flood events that perturb their particulate load and composition temporarily. At their estuaries, complexities are compounded by the effects of mixing of river water with tidal waters which change salinity and influence particle budget, size distribution and composition in space and time. Not only abiotic processes such as erosion, sedimentation and resuspension of inorganic particles brought about by the hydrographic forces, but also biological processes, like bacterial and algal aggregations on the particles, organic coating of the particle surfaces, colonization of the particles with heterotrophic organisms like Flagellates, Ciliates, Amoeba, Rotatoria and so forth, such forming microbiocoenoses on the flocs, numerous different biological activities and many more items are characterizing these complex aggregates. It is known that some fraction of nutrients but also toxic substances (e. g. pesticides) are bound to suspended particulate matter. Insight into the transport/precipitation mechanisms of these «hitchhiker» substances can hence only be gained by thorough understanding of particulate matter transport itself. VIII, 574 pages, 355 figs., 68 tab. Trade Cloth ISBN 3-510-47048-6. DM 198/ $117
Heft 48: Aquatic Microbial Ecology. Proceedings of the Sixth International Workshop on the Measurement of Microbial Activities in the Cycling of Matter in Aquatic Environments, Konstanz, Germany, 17 22 April 1995. Edited by Meinhard Simon, Hans Guede and Thomas Weisse. 1996. X, 276 pages, 133 figs., 51 tab. Trade Cloth ISBN 3-510-47049-4. DM 125/ $80.50
Heft 49: Trophic Interactions of Age-0 Fish & Zooplankton in
Temperate Waters: Proceedings of a Plankton Ecology Group (PEG) Workshop,
Dresden, Germany, 5-8 February 1996. 1997. Edited by Thomas Mehner and Ian J. Winfield.
illus. Trade Cloth vi, 152p.
ISBN 3-510-47050-8. $75.00
Heft 50. VI. International Symposium on Biology and Management of Coregonid Fishes 1996. 1999. edited by Reiner Eckmann, et. at. XI, 533 pp., 207 Abb., 93 Tab., 1 App. ISBN 3-510-47-52-4. $120.00
Heft 51. Lake Erken- 50 years of limnological research. 1999. In 1946 Wilhelm Rodhe established the Erken laboratory for limnological research at Norr Malma field station belonging to Uppsala University in Sweden. In order to celebrate this event a two-day seminar was arranged in October 1996. The presentations are now published in Advances in Limnology 51. The publication gives an overview of current limnological research performed at the Erken laboratory. A number on in-lake studies are presented. Seasonal development of phytoplankton, periphyton and bacteria as well as their role in nutrient turnover in the lake are given a high priority. The pelagic system, the litoral zone and profundal accumulation bottoms are areas of investigation. Factors regulating the bloom of cyanobacteria during summer are studied and discussed in several papers. Gloeotrichia echinulata is the characteristic cyanobacterial species of the summer bloom in Lake Erken and thus also the object of several investigations in order to elucidate the intrigueing life cycle of this species. Exchange of nutrients between sediment and water including studies of biological (migration) and physical (resuspension) processes as well as phosphorus forms sediments is another major topic. Also included is a paper about the zebra mussel, Dreissena polymorpha, as a food resource for the signal crayfish, Pacifastacus leniusculus, which is most abundant in the lake. The signal crayfish was actively introduced in Lake Erken in the middle of the 1960s to replace the species Astacus astacus, which was killed by the crayfish plague. The zebra mussel appeared in the lake in the 1970s. VI, 272 pp., 63 figs., 31 tabs. ISBN 3-510-47053-2. $77.00
Heft 52: Brendonck, Luc. et al. due December 1998. Evolutionary and ecological aspects of crustacean diapause. Resting stages (diapause) are important for the life cycles of many crustaceans and have played a key role in the adaptive radiation of Brachiopoda, Ostracoda and Copepoda. Dormancy strategies determined by the characteristics of the onset of and the termination of the resting phase have substantial significance for ecological and evolutionary dynamics. The forty-one contributions in this volume stem from the second international symposium 'Diapause in the Crustacea' held in Gent, Belgium August 24-29 1998. 181 figs/ 55 tables, # pages not yet know. ISBN 3-510-47054-0. DM 194/$120