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Taxonomy, Ultrastructure and Ecology: Modern Methods and Timeless Questions. A
tribute to Eugene F. Stoermer.
Ed.: J.P. Kociolek; E.C. Theriot; R.J. Stevenson. 2009. XV , 323 pages, 369
figures, 28 tables, 47 plates, 24x17cm. (Nova Hedwigia, Beiheft, Beiheft 135)
ISBN 978-3-443-51057-2 paperback, $250.00
Gabriela G. Hässel de Menendez; Marta F. Rubies: Catalogue of
Marchantiophyta and Anthocerotophyta of southern South America. Chile, Argentina
and Uruguay, including Easter Is. (Pascua I.), Malvinas Is. (Falkland Is.),
South Georgia Is., and the subantarctic South Shetland Is., South Sandwich Is.,
and South Orkney Is.
2009. 672 pages, 3 figures, 24x17cm. (Nova Hedwigia, Beiheft, Beiheft 134). ISBN
978-3-443-51056-5 paperback, $240.00
Hässel de Menendez, Gabriela G.;Rubies, Marta F.: Catalogue of Marchantiophyta and Anthocerotophyta of southern South America Chile, Argentina and Uruguay, including Easter Is. (Pascua I.), Malvinas Is. (Falkland Is.), South Georgia Is., and the subantarctic South Shetland Is., South Sandwich Is., and South Orkney Is. 2009. 672 pages, 3 figures, 24x17cm. (Nova Hedwigia Beihefte, Beiheft 134). ISBN 978-3-443-51056-5 paperback, $300.00
Phytoplankton evolution, taxonomy and ecology. Ed.: Linda K. Medlin; Gregory J. Doucette; Maria Célia Villac. 2008. XVIII , 315 pages, 333 figures, 26 tables, 24x17cm. (Nova Hedwigia Beihefte, Beiheft 133). ISBN 978-3-443-51055-8 paperback, $199.00
Microalgal Biology, Evolution and Ecology. Volume dedicated to Professor Frank E. Round. Crawford, Richard M.; Moss, Brian; Mann, David G.; Preisig, Hans R. 2006. XV , 391 pages, 466 figures, 35 tables, 17 plates, 24x17cm (Nova Hedwigia Beihefte, Beiheft 130). ISBN 3-443-51052-3 paperback. $221.00
A checklist of benthic marine algae of the tropical and subtropical western Atlantic: second revision. Wynne, Michael J. 2005. 152 pages, 24x17cm. (Nova Hedwigia Beihefte, Beiheft 129). ISBN 3-443-51051-5 paperback, US$ 97.00
Chrysophytes: Past and Present. CHRYS 2004. Proceedings of the Sixth International Crysophyte Symposium, 2-7 August 2004, Lammi, Finland. Ed.: Kristiansen, Joergen; Cronberg, Gertrud. 2005. 337 pages, 227 figures, 50 tables, 12 plates, 24x17cm. (Nova Hedwigia Beihefte, Beiheft 128). ISBN 3-443-51050-7 paperback, US$ 222.00
Nova Hedwigia. Zeitschrift für Kryptogamenkunde. Edited by R. Agerer, W. R. Buck, W. Frey, T. Friedl, W. Gams, H. M. Jahns, B. Meyer, A. F. Peters, H. R. Preisig. 2 volumes are published per year. Each volume in general consists of 2 issues (700-900 pages). Detailed subscription information on request. Back issues available (Volumes 1 (1959)- 43 (1986): per volume DM 200.-/ $118). 24x 17cm. <ISSN 0029-5035>
Vol. 65/1-4. : Microalgae. Aspects of Diversity and Systematics. Volume dedicated to Ursula Geissler. Ed. by Regine Jahn (Guest editor), Barbara Meyer & Hans R. Preisig. 1997. 452 p., 1011 figs., 37 tab., 18 maps, 4 diagrams, 24x l7cm. paperback DM 328.- / $193. covers 27 papers dedicated to Ursula Geissler on the occasion of her 65th birthday. contents: Mini-review: Is the origin of the diatoms related to the end Permian mass extinction? (L.K. Medlin, W.H.C.F. Kooistra, R. Gersonde, P.A. Sims & U. Wellbrock); Assessing and designating diatom taxa at or below the species level - a consideration of current status and some suggested guidelines for the future (E.J. Cox); Intraclonal variation of the tripolar pennate diatom "Centronella reicheltii" in culture: strategies of reversion to the bipolar Fragilaria-form (A.M.M. Schmid); The transfer of Asterionellopsis kariana to the new genus Asteroplanus (Bacillariophyceae), with reference to the fine structure (R.M. Crawford & C. Gardner); Sporadic evolution of dorsiventrality in raphid diatoms, with special reference to Lyrella amphoroides sp. nov. (D.G. Mann & A.J. Stickle); Fogedia gen. nov. (Bacillariophyceae), a new naviculoid genus from the marine littoral (A. Witkowski, D. Metzeltin, H. Lange- Bertalot & G. Bafana); Taxonomische Revision des Artenkomplexes um Gomphonema pumilum (Bacillariophyceae) (E. Reichardt); Taxonomische Probleme bei aehnlichen syntopischen Sippen am Beispiel einer Encyonema-Assoziation (Bacillariophyceae) aus dem Kivu-See, Zaire (K. Krammer); Comparative studies among four linear-lanceolate Achnanthidium species (Bacillariophyceae) with curved terminal raphe endings (H. Kobayasi); Eunotia valida and E. pseudovalida spec. nov. (Bacillariophyceae): ultrastructure of the valve and girdle (S. Mayama); Taxonomy, ultrastructure and biogeography of the Actinella punctata species complex (Bacillariophyta: Eunotiaceae) (J.P. Kociolek, K. Rhode & D.M. Williams); Fine structure of the marine diatom Plagiogrammopsis panduriformis, spec. nov. (Cymatosiraceae) (D. Schulz & G. Drebes); Morphology and taxonomy of the centric diatom Cyclotella atomus (H. Hakansson & K.B. Clarke); Cyclotella tripartita (Bacillariophyceae), a dominant species in the oligotrophic Lake Stechlin, Germany (W. Scheffler & J. Padisak); Merkmalsvariabilitaet bei planktischen Diatomeen in Berlin- Brandenburger Gewaessern (K. Teubner); Tiefenverteilung epiphytischer Diatomeen auf Characeen eines oligotrophen Sees (Lustsee, Deutschland) (U. Raeder, S. Burger A. Melzer); Benthic diatom assemblages as indicators of water quality in an urban flood-water impoundment, Neue Donau, Vienna, Austria (M.T. Dokulil, R. Schmidt & S. Kofler); Boden-Diatomeen einer landwirtschaftlichen Nutzflaeche bei Potsdam, Deutschland (A. Hahn & W. Neuhaus); Mallomonas species (Synurophyceae) in eutrophic waters of Berlin (Germany) (A. Gutowski); Silica-scaled chrysophytes from the Taymyr Peninsula, Northern Siberia (J. Kristiansen, L. Duewel & S. Wegeberg); Cryptomonas undulata spec. nov., a new freshwater cryptophyte living near the chemocline (F. Gervais); The thecal structure of Peridiniopsis amazonica spec. nov. (Dinophyceae), a new cyst-producing freshwater dinoflagellate from Amazonian floodplain lakes (B. Meyer, H. Rai & G. Cronberg); Zoospore ultrastructure of the rare coccoid green alga Pachycladella umbrina (Chlorophyta, Chlorophyceae) (T. Friedl & O.L. Reymond); Bestandsveraenderungen der Desmidiaceen im Naturschutzgebiet Barssee und Pechsee (Berlin) in den letzten siebzig Jahren unter anthropogenen Einfluessen (T. Scheer & W.-H. Kusber); The unique phytoplankton community of a highly acidic bog lake in Germany (L. Krienitz, A. Hehmann & S.J. Casper); Studies on algal drift in a small soft-water stream in the Spessart mountains, Germany (P. Leukart & D. Mollenhauer); Rediscovery of the multiflagellated protist Paramastix conifera Skuja 1948 (Protista incertae sedis) (M. Zoelffel & O. Skibbe). 453 pages, many B&W photographic plates.
Nova Hedwigia Band 79 Heft 1-2. Culture Collections of Algae: Increasing Accessibility and Exploring Algal Biodiversity. Ed.: Friedl, Thomas; Day, John G.; Preisig H.R. 2004. Preface: This volume aims to outline the value of algal culture collections to the user community and, at the same time, presents the proceedings of an international meeting held in 2002, which provided a forum for algal culture collections from all over the world to improve interactions among them. Culture Collection of Algae have, in essence two key functions: They provide consistency and quality, traceable source material and information. They are, de facto, sources of biological standards and without these standards comparative taxonomic, physiological, ecotoxicological and ex situ ecological studies are impossible or, at best, problematic. The value of collections to the user community is widely recognized, not least in that they provide cultures that are often difficult or virtually impossible to re-isolate from their natural habitats, even when the original source is known and accessible. They provide a store of well characterized diversity for research and/or exploitation. The holdings of algal collections are extremely diverse and it is the collections' aim to make available and conserve ex situ as much of the great morphological and genetic biodiversity of microalgae as possible. For phylogenetic and taxonomic studies authentic strains, i.e. cultures derived from the material used for the original description and naming of the species, are particularly useful - these and the vast literature published on the algal culture collections' holdings make them irreplaceable and unique international resources.
The importance of maintaining biological resources for both scientific reasons and for possible future exploitation, or sustainable development, is receiving increasing international attention. Various initiatives highlight the unique value of culture collections as Biological Resource Centers (BRCs), the need to support and expand their holdings, and the importance of improving collaborations among collections. These initiatives served as a stimulus for the international symposium "Culture Collections of Algae: Increasing Accessibility and Exploring Algal Biodiversity", held at the Sammlung von Algenkulturen (SAG) at the University of Göttingen, Germany, September 2-6 2002. An excellent review of the meeting has been published by B. Surek in Protist 153, 343355, 2002. The 21 papers in this volume reflect the main topics of the meeting: the majority of the sessions were devoted to presentations by culture collections including historical aspects of culturing microalgae (the first thirteen papers in this volume, pp. 1-173) and the Cryopreservation of Microalgae (J.J. Brand & K.R. Diller, pp. 175-189; J.G. Day, pp. 191-205; K. Harding et al., pp. 207-226; H.C. Osório et al., pp. 227-235). In the first section of this volume we tried to provide a forum, particularly for smaller culture collections, which have had fewer opportunities, to date, to gain exposure in the scientific mainstream. Two further sessions of the meeting clearly showed the function of culture collections as valuable sources of research material, i.e. Taxonomy and Evolution of Microalgae and Cyanobacteria (D.G. Mann & V.A. Chepurnov, pp. 237-291; K. Comte et al., pp. 293-311) and Applications of rDNA Probes and DNA Microarray Techniques (R. Groben et al., pp. 313-320; K. Metfies & L.K. Medlin, pp. 321-327). It is hoped that these papers have highlighted some examples of the value of collections to the phycological community and further stimulate their scientific exploitation. 327 pages, 83 figures, 27 tables, 4 photos. paperback, $171.00
Beih. 56: Symposium on desmids and other Zygnematales. Second Internat. Desmid Symposium, Lake Itasca, Minnesota, 21.-25. Sept.1976: Verhandlungen / Proceedings / Comptes rendus. Edited by Paul Biebel and Dieter Mollenhauer. 1986. 203 ppl.,., 35 pl., 13 tab., 17 figs., <ISBN 3-443-5l004-3> .......... paperback DM 90./ $53
Beih. 58: Sarma, Pranjit: The Freshwater Chaetophorales of New Zealand. (The freshwater algae of New Zealand 1.) 1986. XII, 312 p., 550 figs.on l43 pl., <ISBN3-443-5l007-8> paperback DM 250./ $148
Beih. 81: Bigelow, Howard E.: North American species of Clitocybe. Part II. 1985. VI, 240 p., 102 figs. on 49 pl., <ISBN 3-443-5l001-9> out of print
Beih. 82: McLaughlin, Robert M. & Stone, John L.: Some late Pleistocene diatoms of the Kenai Peninsula, Alaska. 1986. 149p., 16pl., <ISBN 3-443-51002-7> paperback DM 90./ $58. This report is a study of the fossil freshwater diatoms from two deposits on the Kenai Peninsula,Alaska. These deposits, averaging from 2 to 6 feet in thickness, crop out along the sea cliffs bordering Cook Inlet, some 5,5 to 11,5 miles northward of the village of Kenai. They contain a flora encompassing 344 species, varieties and forms of diatoms, including 21 new taxa. The deposits overlie some 13 feet of glacial outwash with a carbon- 14 age between 8000 and 14000 years B.P.
Beih. 83: Algal biomass technologies: an interdisciplinary perspective. Proceedings of a workshop on the present status and future directions for biotechnologies based on algal biomass production, April 5-7,1984, Univ. of Colorado, Boulder. Edited by William R. Barclay and Robins P. McIntosh. 1986. VIII, 273 p., <ISBN 3-443-5 1003-5> paperback DM 120./ $71
Beih. 84: Arx, J. A. von, Guarro, J. & Figueras, M. J.: Ascomycete Genus Chaetomium. 1986. VI, 162 p., 62 figs., 92 pl., <ISBN 3-443-51005-1> paperback DM 98./ $58
Beih.85: Cooke, Wm. Bridge: The Fungi of our mouldy earth: a compilation. 1986. VI, 467 p., 114 figs., 2 tab., <ISBN 3-443-51006-X> paperback DM 160./ $95
Beih. 86: Corner, E. J. H.: Ad Polyporaceas IV: the genera Daedalea, Flabellophora, Flavodon, Gloephyllum, Heteroporus, Irpex, Lenzites, Microporellus, Nigrofomes, Nigroporus, Oxyporus, Paratrichaptum, Rigidoporus, Scenidium, Trichaptum, Vanderbylia and Steccherinum. 1987. VI, 274 p., 35 figs., 11 pl. as app. (8 coloured pl.), <ISBN 3-443-5l008-6> bound DM 190.-/ $112
Beih. 87: Arx, J. A. von: Plant pathogenic fungi. 1987. 288 p., 105 figs. in the text, <ISBN 3-443-51009-4> paperback DM 140. / $83
Beih. 88: Moosflora und -vegetation in Regenwäldern No- Perus: Ergebnisse der Bryotrop- Expedition nach Peru, 1982. Herausgegeben von Wolfgang Frey. 1987. 159 S., 41 Abb., 2 Tab., 1 Karte, <ISBN 3-443-5l010-8> broschiert DM 130.-/ $77
Beih.89: Braun, Uwe: A monograph of the Erysiphales (powdery mildews). 1987. 700 p., 316 pl., <ISBN 3-443-5l011-6> paperback DM 338./ $199
Beih. 90: Bryological contributions: presented in celebration of the distinguished scholarship of Rudolf M. Schuster. Edited by John J. Engel & Sinske Hattori, consulting editor. 1988. VIII, 402 p., 58 figs., 58 pl., 15 tab., 1 photo, <ISBN 3-443-5l012-4> paperback DM 280.- / $165
Beih. 91: Noordeloos, Machiel Evert: Entoloma (Agaricales) in Europe: synopsis and keys to all species and a monograph of the subgenera Trichopilus, Inocephalus, Alboleptonia, Leptonia, Paraleptonia and Omphaliopsis. 1988. VI, 419 p., 128 figs., <ISBN 3-443-5l013-2> paperback DM 280./ $165
Beih.92: Schuster, Rudolf M.: The Hepaticae of South Greenland. 1988. 255 p., 27 pl., 13 tab., <ISBN 3-443-5l014-0> paperback DM 170./ $100
Beih. 93: Lawson, G. W. & John, D. M.: The Marine Algae and coastal environment of tropical West Africa. 2nd ed. 1987. VI, 415 p., 65 pl., 16 figs., <ISBN 3-443-51015-9> paperback DM 220./ $130
Beih. 94: Arx, J. A. von, Figueras, M. J. & Guarro, J.: Sordariaceous Ascomycetes without Ascospore Ejaculation. 1988. 104 p.,44pl.,1 fig.,1 tab., <ISBN 3443-51016-7> paperback DM 76./ $45
Beih. 95: Chrysophytes. Developments and perspectives. Proceedings of the 2. international Chrysophyte Symposium, 3.5. August 1987, Berlin. Edited by Jorgen Kristiansen, Gertrud Cronberg & Ursula Geissler. 1989. XIV, 287 p., 296 figs., 15 pl., 44 tab., 1 map, <ISBN 3-443-51017-5> paperback DM 190./ $112
Beih.96: Corner, E. J. H.: Ad Polyporaceas V. Genera Albatrellus, Boletopsis, Coriolopsis (dimitic), Cristelloporia, Diacanthodes, Elmerina, Fotnitopsis (dimitic), Gloeoporus, Grifola, Hapalopilus, Heterobasidion, Hydnopolyporus, Ischnoderma, Loweporus, Parmastomyces, Perenniporia, Pyrofomes, Stecchericium, Trechispora, Truncospora and Tyromyces. 1989. 218 p., 20 figs. in the text, <ISBN 3-443-5 1018-3> bound DM 130./ $77
Beih. 97: Corner, E. J. H.: Ad Polyporaceas VI: The genus Trametes. 1989(90). IV, 206 p., 13 figs., 11 pl., <ISBN 3-443-5l019-1 > bound DM 190./ $112
Beih. 98: Singer, Rolf, Jesus Garcia & Luis Diego Gomez: The Boletineae of Mexico and Central America I & II. 1990. 74 p.,7 figs., 1 pl., <ISBN 3-443-51020-5> paperback DM 70./ $42
Beih. 99: Hegewald, E., Hindak, F. & E. Schnepf: Studies on the genus Scenedesmus MEYEN (Chlorophyceae, Chlorococcales) from South India, with special reference to the cell wall ultrastructure. 1990. VI, 209 p., 5 tab., 135 pl., <ISBN 3-443-51021-3> paperback DM 120./ $71
Beih. 100: Contributions to the knowledge of microalgae particularly diatoms: Special volume in honor of Grethe R. Hasle on the occasion of her 70th birthday. Edited by Ursula Geissler, Hannelore Hakansson, Urve Miller und Anna-Maria M. Schmid. 1990. XVII, 300 p., figs., pl., <ISBN3-443-5l022-1> paperback DM 190./ $112
Beih. 101: Corner, E. J. H.: Ad Polyporaceas VII: the Xanthochroic Polypores. 1991. VI, 178 p., 2 pl., 43 figs., <ISBN3-443-51023-X> bound DM 170./ $107
Beih. 102: Singer, Rolf, Jesus Garcia & Luis Diego Gomez: The Boletineae of Mexico and Central America III. 1991. VI, 127 p., 24 pl., <ISBN 3-443-51024-8> paperback DM 90./ $53
Beih. 103: Pankow, H., Haendel, Dietmar & Richter, Wilfried: Die Algenflora der Schirmacheroase (Ostantarktika). 1991. 198 S., 51 Abb., 16 Taf., 14 Tab., <ISBN 3-443-5l025-6> broschiert DM 160./ $95
Beih. 104: Lücking, R.: Foliicolous Lichens - a contribution to the Knowledge of the Lichen Flora of Costa Rica, Central America. 1992. VI, 179 p., 64 figs., <ISBN 3-443-51026-4> paperback DM 170./ $100
Beih. 105: Singer, Rolf, Jesus Garcia and Luis Diego Gomez: The Boletineae of Mexico and Central America IV. 1992. VI, 62p., 13pl., <ISBN 3-443-51027-2> paperback DM 70./ $42
Beih. 106: Progress in diatom studies: contributions to taxonomy, ecology and nomenclature. Special volume in honour of Robert Ross on the occasion of his 80th birthday. Ed. by Patricia A. Sims. 1993. XIV, 377 p., <ISBN 3-443-51028-0> paperback DM 190./ $112. Contents (partly): Cox, E.J.: Diatom systematics - a review of past and present practice and a personal vision for future development/ Williams, D.M.: Diatom nomenclature and future of taxonomic database studies; Nikolaev, V.A.: The "pore" apparatus of centric diatoms: A description of terms; Mann, D.G. & A.J.Stickle: Life history and systematics of Lyrella; Kociolek, J.P. & E.F.Stoermer: The diatom genus Gomphocymbella O. Mueller: Taxonomy, ultrastructure and phylogenetic relationships; Krammer, K. & H.Lange-Bertalot: Cymbella rossii spec.nov., a new "nonconformist" in the genus Cymbella; Carter, J.R.: A note on the genus Berkella Ross & Sims.
Beih. 107: Vanky, Kalman und Oberwinkler, Franz: Ustilaginales on Polygonaceae - a taxonomic revision. 1994. VIII, 96 p., 146 figs., <ISBN 3-443-51029-9> paperback DM 90./ $53
Beih. l08: Fan, Li, Bo Liu & Ym Hua Liu: The Gasteromycetes of China. A Supplement to Nova Hedwigia Beiheft 76. 1994. 72 p., 65 figs., <ISBN 3-443-51030-2> paperback DM 50./ $30
Beih. 109: Corner, E. J. H.: Agarics in Malesia. I Tricholomatoid. II Mycenoid. 21 water-colours, painted by E. J. H. Corner. 1994. VI, 271 p., 87 figs., <ISBN 3-443-5l031-0-> bound DM 190.-/ $112
Beih.110: Raam, Joop C. van: The Characeae of Tasmania. 1995. 80 p., 30 figs., <ISBN 3-443-51032-9> paperback DM 48./ $29
Beih. 111: Corner, E. J. H.: The agaric genera Marasmius, Chaetocalathus, Crinipellis, Heimiomyces, Resupinatus, Xerula and Xerulina in Malesia. 1996. IV, 175 p., 23 pl., 46 figs., 1 tab. (water-colours, painted by E. J. H. Corner), <ISBN3-443-5l033-7> bound DM 150. / $89
Beih. 112: Contributions in Phycology. Volume in honour of Professor T. V. Desikachary. Edited by A. K. S. K. Prasad, J. A. Nienow & V. N. R. Rao. 1996. XVI, 552 p., 612 figs., 47 tab., 1 app., <ISBN 3-443-5l034-5> paperback DM 280./ $165
Beih. 113: Piepenbring, Meike: Smut fungi (Ustilaginales and Tilletiales) in Costa Rica. 1996. l55 p., 63 pl., 34 photos, <ISBN 3-443-5l035-3> paperback DM 130./ $77
Beih. 114: Chrysophytes - Progress and New Horizons CHRYS 95. Proceedings of the Fourth International Chrysophyte Symposium 22-27 May 1995, Hosterkob, Denmark. Edited by Jorgen Kristiansen and Gertrud Cronberg. 1996. IX, 266 p., 12 pl., 1 map., 94 figs. and 26 tab., <ISBN3-443-5l036-1> paperback DM 160.-/ $95
Beih. 115. Lobin, Wolfram, E. Fischer & J. Ormonde. due 1998. The ferns and Fern-allies (Pteridophyta) of the Cape Verde Islands, West Africa. 115 p. 36 figs., 6 tables. paperback <ISBN 3-443-51037-X> DM 96/ $60.00
Beih. 116. Wynne, Michael. 1998. A checklist of benthic marine algae of the tropical and subtropical western Atlantic: first revision. contents: Introduction, Format, Rhodophyta, Notes, Acknowledgements, References, Index to Genera. Since Taylor's 1960 Marine algae of the eastern tropical and subtropical coasts of the America, there has been ever-increasing interest on this subject matter. Wynne's first checklist was an attempt to compile an up-to-date catalogue of the benthic marine algae for the 3 divisions of Rhodophyta, Phaeophyta and Chlorophyta for the tropical and subtropical coastline of the western Atlantic, from North carolina to southern Brazil, using Taylor's flora as a baseline. In the past dozen years numerous publications throughout the region have added significantly to the literature with new records and taxonomic and nomenclatural changes. This revision provides an updated account of the benthic marine algale of this region. 156 pp., paperback. ISBN 3-443-51038-8. $72.00
Beih. 117: Trainor, Francis R. 1998. Biological Aspects of Scenedesmus (Chlorophyceae) -- phenotypic plasticity. Scenedesmus is a cosmopolitan green freshwater algae. Because of the colonial symmetry of Scenedesmus, its size/shape differences and abundant cytological features (both LM and EM), it first seemed that individuals could easily be distinguished and classified. Because biologists often examined samples of Scenedesmus taxa at only one point in time, they tacitly assumed that there was stability of form. Are there data confirming stability of form? On the other hand, preserved collections are not useful material to support an alternate hypothesis. The result: hundreds of species and innumerable subspecific taxa were identified and described. In Scenedesmus Phenotypic Plasticity the author presents - Early reports of variability or polymorphism, along with their routine dismissal as supposedly irrelevant observations. - Chapters concerned with geographical distribution, culture techniques, history and the Scenedesmus unicell, indicating the need for the renaissance of the phenotype. The concept of an ordered developmental sequence is developed and discussed. Data from numerous laboratories, whether cytological, morphological, biochemical, ecological or physiological, which lend support to the concept of plasticity in all strains. Numerous supposed taxa are but ecomorphs of rather complex taxa. contents: Introduction, Geographical distribution of species, Cytology & reproduction, Culturing algae: impact on Scenedesmus development, Unicells: a Scenedesmus ecomorph, Scenedesmus phenotypic plasticity: scope & consequences, A broadly defined species: S. armatus, Phenotypic plasticity in multi-spined species: response to nutrients & temperature, Selection of stable characters: morphology yesterday, today and tomorrow, Phenotypic plasticity: past, present & future, Scenedesmus identification recognizing phenotypic plasticity, References, Index. IV, 367 p., 71 figs, 58 24x17 cm. ISBN: 3-443-51039-6. paperback. DM 120/ $75
Beih. 118:Schuster, Rudolf M.: Austral Hepaticae Part I (Nova Hedwigia Beihefte 118). 7/2000. VII, 524 pages, 211 figures , 1 table, ISBN <3-443-51040-X>, paperback. US$ 160.00
Beih. 119: Schuster, Rudolf M.: Austral Hepaticae Part II. 2002. VIII , 606 pages, 224 figures, 24x17cm. ISBN 3-443-51041-8 paperback, $165.00
Beih. 120: NYP
Beih. 121: Zhu; Rui-Liang; May Ling So: Epiphyllous Liverworts of China. 2001. 418 pages, 140 figures, 5 tables, 24x17cm. ISBN 3-443-51043-4 paperback, $106.00
Beih. 122: Chrysophytes and related organisms: topics and issues. Proceedings of the Fifth International Chrysophytes Symposium 27 - 31 July 1999, Edwardsville, Illinois, USA Ed.: Peter A. Siver; James L. Wee. 2001. IX, 258 pages, 251 figures, 34 tables, 24x17cm. ISBN 3-443-51044-2 paperback, $95.00
Beih. 123: Algae and extreme environments. Ecology and Physiology. Proceedings of the International Conference 11-16 September 2000 Trebon, Czech Republic. Dedicated to Prof. Jiri Komarek on the occasion of his 70. birthday. Ed.: Elster, Josef; Seckbach, Joseph; Vincent, Warwick F.; Lhotský, Oldrich. 2002(2001). XV, 602 pages, 340 figures, 83 tables, 6 plates, 24x17cm. (Nova Hedwigia Beihefte Beiheft 123)ISBN 3-443-51045-0 paperback, US$ 150.00
Beiheft 124: Kobayashi, Takahito. 6/2002. The taxonomic studies of the genus Inocybe. 246 pages, 146 plates, paperback. ISBN 3-443-51046-9. $99.00
Beiheft 125 The marine macroalgae of the tropical West Africa sub-region. John, David M.;Lawson, George W.; Ameka, Gabriel K.: 2003. Rocky shores, mangrove roots and other hard surfaces provide anchorage for seaweeds or benthic macroalgae along the environmentally relatively inhospitable coast of tropical West Africa. This user-friendly guide deals with the over 300 species of green, brown and red seaweeds known from an almost 4,000 km long stretch of West African coast (Gambia to the equator) as well as islands in the Gulf of Guinea. Descriptions and identification keys are relatively free of technical terms. Each entry takes the form of a diagnostic description of the species along with notes on its West African distribution, ecology and taxonomic or identification problems. Included are more than 250 clear line drawings and 46 colour photographs that usually emphasise features required for accurate identification. IV , 217 pages, 56 figures, 12 colour plates , ISBN 3-443-51047-7 paperback. $129.00
Beiheft 126. Geissler, U.;Kies, L.: Artendiversität und Veränderungen in der Algenflora zweier städtischer Ballungsgebiete Deutschlands: Berlin und Hamburg 2003. 777 Seiten, 35 Abbildungen, 79 Tabellen, 24x17cm. ISBN 3-443-51048-5 brosch., $185.00
Beiheft 127: A Taxonomic and Geographical Catalogue of the Seaweeds of the Western Coast of Africa and Adjacent Islands. Ed.: John, David M.; Lawson, George W.; Price, James H.; Prud'homme van Reine, Willem F.; Kostermans, Tito B. 2004. The catalogue records all species and infraspecific taxa of benthic marine algae or seaweeds known for the mainland coast of West Africa (northern boundary of Western Sahara southwards to the southern boundary of Namibia), and the western Atlantic islands between Madeira and the Salvages in the north to Ascension and St Helena in the south, including those lying relatively close to the African mainland. In all over 32 mainland countries and islands are covered. Genera, species and infraspecific taxa are arranged alphabetically within the green algae, brown algae and red algae. Under the currently accepted name there are others that have been commonly used for it in earlier publications on West Africa. Mentioned are all countries and islands from which it has been recorded with reference given to the most recent literature source. Taxonomic, nomenclatural or other information is provided where needed or a reference given to a source of such information. In total 1195 species are now accepted (202 green algae, 200 brown algae, 793 red algae) compared to 2013 recognized in lists published over the past 40 years. Despite the considerable progress made in our knowledge of West African seaweeds over this period there are countries and islands that are little-explored phycologically; no records are traced for the Democratic Republic of the Congo (=Zaire), Rio Muni (Equatorial Guinea) and Cabinda. The seaweed floras of most major island archipelagos are significantly more diverse (e.g. Canary Islands, 646 spp) than the mainland coast where just under 300 species are known for a 4,000 km length of shoreline (Gambia to southern Angola). One new combination is made, namely Chondrophycus glanduliferis (Kütz.) Prud'homme & D.M.John.139 pages, 1 figure, 24x17cm. . ISBN 3-443-51049-3 paperback, $87.00
Beiheft 128: Chrysophytes: Past and Present. CHRYS 2004. Proceedings of the Sixth International Crysophyte Symposium, 2-7 August 2004, Lammi, Finland. Ed.: Kristiansen, Joergen; Cronberg, Gertrud. 2005. IX , 337 pages, 227 figures, 50 tables, 12 plates, 24x17cm. ISBN 978-3-443-51050-3 paperback, $240.00
Beiheft 129: Wynne, Michael J.:
A checklist of benthic marine
algae of the tropical and subtropical western Atlantic: second revision
2005. 152 pages, 24x17cm. ISBN 978-3-443-51051-0 paperback, $109.00
Beiheft 130: Microalgal Biology, Evolution and Ecology Volume dedicated to Professor Frank E. Round. Ed.: Crawford, Richard M.; Moss, Brian; Mann, David G.; Preisig, Hans R. 2006. XV , 391 pages, 466 figures, 35 tables, 17 plates, 24x17cm. ISBN 978-3-443-51052-7 paperback, $237.00
Beiheft 131: Festschrift to Wolfgang Frey - a scientist's life between deserts and rain forests Ed.: Kürschner, Harald; Pfeiffer, Tanja; Stech, Michael. 2007. 277 pages, 126 figures, 31 tables, 12 photos, 24x17cm. ISBN 978-3-443-51053-4 paperback, $221.00
Beiheft 132: The Benthic Marine Algae of the Samoan Archipelago, South Pacific, with emphasis on the Apia District. (Nova Hedwigia Beihefte, Beiheft 132). Posa A. Skelton; G. Robin South. 2007. ISBN 978-3-443-51054-1. 350 pp., 796 figures, 10 tables. Paperback. $190.00