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taxonomy and ecology. From local discoveries to global impacts. Festschrift in
honor of Prof.Dr. Horst Lange-Bertalot's 75th birthday. Editors: Andrzej
Witkowski; John P. Kociolek; Pierre Compère. 2012. (Beihefte zur Nova Hedwigia,
Volume 141). The twenty-nine peer-reviewed contributions to this impressive
volume sweep the entire range of current research on diatoms - from the taxonomy
of freshwater and marine diatoms, the fossil record of both terrestrial and
marine habitats, planktonic diatoms, potential of diatoms and ostracods as
bioindicators, application of diatom assemblages to climatic reconstructions,
the use of molecular tools in phylogeny, tracing the threat of invasive and
potentially toxic diatoms to the highlights of the diatom collection of Józef
Pantocsek. The wide range of topics covered herein delineates the equally wide
range of research interests of Prof. Horst Lange-Bertalot. The papers were
contributed by friends and colleagues on the occasion of his 75th birthday which
was celebrated during the 5th Central European Diatomologists Meeting (=25th
German-speaking Diatomologists Meeting) in Szczecin, Poland, in February 2011.
Many of the authors have benefited from Prof. Lange-Bertalot´s profound knowledge of diatoms in general, and his floristic skills in particular. The impact of his work on diatom research has been extraordinary, with important implications for ecology (from water pollution to climate change), biodiversity and conservation sciences. This has been due in large part to the breadth and depth of Prof. Lange-Bertalot’s research record in four areas: evaluation of water quality using diatoms, floristics with a focus on Europe, floristics with a worldwide perspective, and synthetic work to organize and integrate these other studies. This tremendous volume honors Professor Horst Lange-Bertalot, one of the pre-eminent diatom taxonomists.
This volume is of great interest for all researchers working on diatoms and their impact on biodiversity, conservation sciences and ecology in general. IV , 545 pages, 1285 figures, 42 tables, 24x17cm, 1180 g. ISBN 978-3-443-51063-3, paperback. $315.00
Diatom Taxonomy, Ultrastructure and Ecology: Modern Methods and Timeless Questions. A tribute to Eugene F. Stoermer. Ed.: Kociolek, J.P.; Theriot, E.C.; Stevenson, R.J. 2009. 323 pages, 369 figures, 28 tables, 47 plates, 24x17cm. (Nova Hedwigia, Beiheft, Beiheft 135). ISBN 978-3-443-51057-2 paperback, $320.00
Dillard, Gary E.: Common Freshwater Algae of the United States An Illustrated
Key to the Genera (Excluding the Diatoms). 2008. 2. edition. 188 pages, 299
figures, 22x16cm.
ISBN 978-3-443-50033-7 paperback, $59.00
Updated and revised! This manual has been prepared to provide freshwater biologists a means to identify some to the more commonly encountered freshwater algal genera of the United States. Keys, representative illustrations, and general ecological notes are provided for some 300 genera, excluding the diatoms. Although there are many excellent taxonomic treatments of freshwater algae, most require detailed familiarity with algal morphology in order to use the identification keys successfully. To the extent possible, formal terminology common to most taxonomic treatments has been avoided in the preparation of the keys included in this manual. An extensive bibliography provides references to more detailed taxonomic treatments for those who wish to proceed to species identification. Our concepts of the algal classes, orders and families, due to new information largely provided by electron microscopy and molecular biology, are presently in a state of change. The manual therefore does not include placement of the genera into supra-generic taxa, however, the bibliography includes references providing such information. Audience: students, professional aquatic biologists, ecologists and others interested in the phycology of the freshwaters of North America.
dillardpage7.jpg, dillardpage30.jpg, dillardpage144.jpg
Table of contents:
Algal Assays and Monitoring Eutrophication. Institute of Botany, Czechoslovak Academy of Sciences, Trebon, Czechoslovakia. Edited by P. Marvan, S. Pribil & Oldrich Lhotsky. 1979. VIII, 253 p., 2 pi., 104 figs., 20 tab., 24x 16cm <ISBN 3-510-65091-3> paperback DM 49./ $29
Algological Studies: Edited by Oldrich Lhotsky. Editorial Board: H. Huebel, E. Kessler, J. Komarek, L. Kovacik, J. Kristiansen, P. Marvan, E. Miadokova, I. Setlik. (The Series "Algological Studies" is a Supplement to the Archive für Hydrobiologie). No. 1 83, 1970 96. Approx. 4 volumes per year. 1 volume has 1 issue. <ISSN 0342-1120>. ..............
**Modern approach to the classification system of Cyanophytes includes No. 38/39, 43, 50-53, 56, and 59 above.
Other Algal Titles:
Atlas of the Diatom Types of Friedrich Hustedt. Simonsen, R. 3 vols. (1 volume text & 2 volumes of plates). 1987. This publication illustrates and documents the type material by means of modern microscopical techniques. Volume 2 & 3: Plates. 772 plates. X, 526 p. gr8vo. Bound. - In English. 28x 19cm. <ISBN 3-443-50007-2> cloth DM 940/ $600 set price
Chrysophytes. Developments and perspectives: Proceedings of the 2. International Chrysophyte Symposium, 3.-5. August 1987, Berlin. Edited by Jorgen Kristiansen, Gertrud Cronberg & Ursula Geissler. 1989. XIV, 287 pages, 296 figs., 15 plates, 44 tab., 1 map, 24xl7cm (Nova Hedwigia Beihefte, 95) <ISBN 3-443-51017-5> broschiert DM 190/ $112
Chrysophytes - Progress and New Horizons - CHRYS 95. Proceedings of the Fourth International Chrysophyte Symposium 22-27 May 1995, Høsterkøb, Denmark. Edited by J. Kristiansen and G. Cronberg. 1996. IX, 266 pages,12 plates, 1 map., 94 figs. and 26 tables, 24 x 17 cm (Nova Hedwigia Beihefte, 114) <ISBN 3-443-51036-1 > broschiert DM 160/ $95
Cyanobacterial growth and dominance in two eutrophic lakes. Edited by Warwick F. Vincent. 1989. V, 254 p., 91 figs., 49 tab., 24x 16cm (Ergebnisse der Limnologie, 32) <ISBN 3-510-47030-3> paperback DM 134.-/ $79
Eisenack, A.: Katalog der fossilen Dinoflagellaten, Hystrichospharen und verwandten Mikrofossilien. Loseblattwerk
Band I: Dinoflagellaten. Unter Mitarb. von K. W. Klement. 1964. II, 888 S., 420 Abb., 9 Taf., 24x 16cm, mit 1. Ergänzungslieferung <ISBN 3-510-99097-8> cloth binder DM I30/$77
1. Ergänzungslieferung: 1967. III, 241 S., 92 Abb.,24x 16cm. <ISBN 3-510-99096-X> cloth binder DM 39/$23
2. Ergänzungslieferung: By A. Eisenack & G. Kjellstrom. 1971. III, 215 S., 104 Abb., 24x 16cm <ISBN 3-510-65018-2> cloth binder DM 38/$23
3. Ergänzungslieferung: By A. Eisenaclt & G. Kjellstrom. Mostly in English. 1975. III, 254 S., 114Abb.,24xl6cm <ISBN 3-510-65019-0> DM 58/$34
4. Ergänzungslieferung: By A. Eisenack & G. Kjellstrom. 1981. III, 132 S., 65 Abb., 24x 16cm <ISBN 3-510-65020-4> DM 48/$29
Band II: Dinoflagellaten. Von A. Eisenack & G. Kjellstrom. 1972. III, 1132 S., 6 Taf., 410 Abb., 24 x 16 cm <ISBN 3-510-65023-9> cloth binder DM 154/$91
1. Ergänzungslieferung: By A. Eisenack & G. Kjellstrom. Mostly in English. 1975. III, S18 S., 202 Abb., 24x16cm <ISBN 3-510-65024-7> cloth binder DM 118/$70
2. Ergänzungslieferung: By A. Eisenack & G. Kjellstrom. 1981. III, 462 S., 189 Abb., 24x 16cm. <ISBN 3-510-6502S-S> DM 128/$76
Band III: Acritarcha Part 1. By A. Eisenack & F. H. Cramer with the assistance of C. R. Díez. Mostly in English.1973. III, 1104 pages, 4S2 figs., 4 plates, 24 x 16 cm <ISBN 3-510-65026-3> cloth binder DM 198/$117
Band IV: Acritarcha Part 2. By A. Eisenack & F. H. Cramer. With the assistance of C. R. Díez. Mostly in English. 1976. XXIV, 863 pages, 317 figs., 24 x 16 cm <ISBN 3-510-65072-7> cloth binder DM 15/$93.
Band V: Acritarcha Part 3. By A. Eisenack & F. H. Cramer. With the assistance of C. R. DIez. Mostly in English. 1979. VIII, 532 pages, 220 figs., 24 x 16 cm <ISBN 3-510-65086-7> cloth binder DM 128.$76
Band VI: Acritarcha Part 4. By A. Eisenack & F. H. Cramer. With the assistance of C. R. DIez. Mostly in English. 1979. XXX, 534 pages, 224 figs., 24 x 16 cm <ISBN 3-510-65087-5> cloth binder DM 135/$80
The Eisenack Catalog of Fossil Dinoflagellates, New Series. By R. A. Fensome, H. Gocht, L. E. Stover and G. L. Williams. Looseleaf .
Golubic, Stjepko: Algenvegetation der Felsen. 1967. VIII, 183 S., 32 Abb., 1 Photo, 4 Beil., 2 Taf., 24xl6cm (Die Binnengewässer, Band XXIII) <ISBN 3-S10-4OO32-1> Ganzleinen DM 59.40/ $36
International Symposium on the phycology of large lakes of the world. Held at the First International Congress, St. John's Newfoundland, Canada. Proceedings. Edited by M. Munawar. 1987. V, 256 p., 105 figs., 44 tab., 24 x 16 cm (Ergebnisse der Limnologie, Heft 25) <ISBN 3-510-47023-0> paperback DM 98.-/$ 58
Internationale Vereinigung fuer Theoretische und Angewandte Limnologie, Mitteilungen, Heft 19: Factors that Regulate the Wax and Wane of Algal Populations. edited by International Association of Limnology. 1971. 318 pages, 7 plates, 139 figs., 42 tables, 4 folders, 24x17 cm. ISBN: 3-510-52019-X. paperback. $90.00
Lawson, G.W. & John, D.M.: The Marine Algae and coastal environment of tropical West Africa.2nd ed. 1987. VI, 415 pages, 65 plates, 16 figs., 24x 17cm (Nova Hedwigia Beihefte, 93) <ISBN 3-443-51015-9> broschiert DM 220/ $130
Production and Use of Microalgae. Edited by W. E. Becker. 1985. VI, 198 p., 51 figs., 55 tab., 24x 16cm (Ergebnisse der Limnologie, Heft 20) <ISBN 3-510-47018-4> paperback DM 96./ $57
Remane, Adolf & Schlieper, Carl: Biology of Brackish Water. 2nd edition of "Die Biologie des Brackwassers" 1971. X, 372 p., 16S figs., 50 tab., 4 folders, 24xl6cm (Die Binnengewässer, Band XXV) <ISBN 3-510-40034-8> cloth DM 7O./ $42
Progress in diatom studies: contributions to taxonomy, ecology and nomenclature. Special volume in honour of Robert Ross on the occasion of his 80th birthday. Ed. by Patricia A. Sims. 1993. XIV, 377 pages, 24 x 17 cm (Nova Hedwigia Beihefte, 106) <ISBN 3-443-51028-0> broschiert DM 190/ $112
Rodewald-Rudescu, Ludwig: Das Schilfrohr (Phragmites communis Trinius). 1974. IX, 302 S., 38 Fig., 11 Taf., 126 Abb., 94 Tab., 2 Beil., 24x 16cm (Die Binnengewässer, Band 27) <ISBN 3-510-40038-0> Leinen DM 97.60/ $58
Ruzicka, Jiri: Die Desmidiaceen Mitteleuropas. Band I.
Sarma, Pranjit: The Freshwater Chaetophorales of New Zealand. (The freshwater algae of New Zealand, 1) 1986. XII, 312 pages, 550 figs. on 143 plates, 24x 17 cm (Nova Hedwigia Beihefte, 58) <ISBN 3-443-51007-8> broschiert DM 250/ $148
Symposium on desmids and other Zygnematales. Proceedings of the Second Internat. Desmid Symposium, Lake Itasca, Minnesota, 21.-25. Sept. 1976. Edited by P. Biebel and D. Mollenhauer. 1986. 203 pages, 35 plates, 13 tab., 17 figs., 24 x 17 cm (Nova Hedwigia Beihefte, 56) <ISBN 3-443-51004-3> broschiert DM 90/ $53
Symposium: Experimental Use of Algal Cultures in Limnology, Sandefjord, Norway, October 26-28, 1976. 1978. 607 p., 5 pl., 289 figs., 127 tab., 24x 16cm (Mitteilungen der Internat. Vereinigung für Theoret. und Angewandte Limnologie, No. 21) <ISBN 3-510-52021-1> paperback DM 164.-/ $97
Symposium: Factors that Regulate the Wax and Wane of Algal Populations. 1971. 318 p., 7 pl., 139 figs., 42 tab., 4 folders, 24 x 16 cm (Mitteilungen der Internat. Vereinigung für Theoret. und Angewandte Limnologie, No. 19) <ISBN 3-510-52019-X> paperback DM 130./ $77