E. Schweizerbart'sche Verlagsbuchhandlung


 J. Cramer in der Gebrüder Borntraeger Verlagsbuchhandlung


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Balogh International is now the American agent and distributor for E. Schweizerbart'sche Verlagsbuchhandlung &  J. Cramer in der Gebrüder Borntraeger Verlagsbuchhandlung, Berlin/Stuttgart. Their history dates back to 1790 and 1826 and today they are the largest publisher of botanical and geological monographs in the world. You may order by sending an email to balogh@balogh.com. If you are a European customer you may order from mail@schweizerbart.de or by fax: +49 711 62 5005. Click to see a photo of Dr. Walter Obermiller (partner) and Dr. Pamela-Burns-Balogh

German words used in catalogs: Abb. or Abteilung= Figures; Anh. or Anhang= appendi(x|ces) depending on context; Ausschlagtaf.= foldout plates (aka foldouts); Band= Volume; Bearbeiter= person who revises; Begruendet.. von= founded by; Beil. or Beilage= Supplement; broschiert= paperback; Dargestellt= represented in; Ergänzungslieferung= supplementary leaflet; Farbfotos= color photos; Ganzleinen = cloth (completely); gebunden= hardcover; Heft= Fascicle; Herausgegeben (Hrsg.)= Editor; Kartenbeilagen= Map Supplement ; Karte= Map; leinen= cloth (cloth plus some other material); Lieferung= Fascicle or subfascicle, part of a series; Nachdruck=reprint; Redaktion= edited by or editors; S. or Seite= Page; Taf. or Tafel= Plate; Tab. or Tabellen= Table; vergriffen= out of print; vergriffen. Neuaufl. geplant. (Out of print, new edition planned.; Vertrieb= distribute; völlig neugestaltete Auflage= fully revised edition; von (in front of a name)= authored or edited by; zahlr.or zahlreichen= numerous; ü= ue; ö= oe; ä= ae; ß= ss

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