Cruciferous vegetables, isothiocyanates
and indoles. : IARC handbooks of cancer prevention
International Agency for Research on Cancer Vol. 9. Publication Date:
10th February 2005. This publication sets outs the findings of an IARC Working
Group, held in Lyon, France in November 2003, which considered the benefits of a
diet rich in cruciferous vegetables in helping to reduce the risk of various
cancers. Cruciferous vegetables, such as broccoli, cabbage, cauliflower,
watercress and brussel sprouts, contain substantial amounts of compounds which
have been shown to inhibit the growth of cancers. This publication reviews
current knowledge on the topic, including data from human, experimental and
mechanistic studies, as well as making recommendations for future research and
public health policy options. Corporate Author: International Agency for
Research on Cancer Working Group on the Evaluation of Cancer Preventive
Strategies. Format: Paperback. Pagination: xi, 262p. ISBN 9283230094. $60.00
Anti-Tuberculosis Drug Resistance in the World.
World Health Organisation (WHO). 2001.
This report presents the latest findings of a major collaborative study aimed at measuring the prevalence of anti-tuberculosis drug resistance throughout the world. Drawing on data collected from 1997-2000 the report covers the second phase of a global project organized by WHO, the International Union Against Tuberculosis and Lung Disease (UATLD) and other partners.
ISBN 0 11 986243 3 $31.00
Basic Tests for Drugs, Pharmaceutical Substances,
Medicinal Plant Materials
and Dosage Forms.
WHO. 1998.
Complementary to "Basic tests for pharmaceutical
substances" (1986, ISBN 9241542047) and "Basic tests for
pharmaceutical dosage forms" (1991, ISBN 924154418X). Paperback, iii + 91 pp.
ISBN 9241545135 $28.00
Biotechnology Regulatory Atlas.
Department of
Trade and Industry (DTI). March 2003.
This publication provides an
overview of how to guide products through to regulatory compliance
within the biotechnology field. Based on a logically structured and
highly visual approach, it allows the user to focus on the big picture
or fine detail and apply it to subjects from production requirements to
biotech's social and ethical impact. From the start, this title sets out
to answer big questions in a straightforward manner. What is at issue
and is the Government aware? Will biotechnology operators have to make
amends for any environmental damage? How can I get involved in the
strategic debate and decision-making? Each of these broad subject areas
is accompanied by a clear response and links to further information. Key
Features: Topic based 'regional' maps • Detailed 'local' maps giving
specific guidance • Checkpoints and annexes. Half Canadian bound.
ISBN 011515504X $171.00
BRC / IOP Technical Standard and Protocol for Companies Manufacturing and Supplying Food Packaging Materials for Retailer Branded Products.
British Retail Consortium/The Institute Of Packaging.
An essential reference guide for all retailers and suppliers of food products and manufacturers of food packaging materials in the UK, who have a legal obligation to take all reasonable precautions to avoid any problem with or contamination of a food product. This Standard from the British Retail Consortium and The Institute of Packaging aims to ensure that all packaging suppliers are aware of and are able to meet their obligations. It has been written with the intent that food packagers and manufacturers of food packaging materials are aware of their obligations, and to assist in the fulfillment of legal obligations and protection of the consumer. The Scheme has been developed by the British Retail Consortium and The Institute of Packaging - two highly regarded trade organizations. It is envisaged that this Standard will become the benchmark by which
all audits are undertaken. Paperback, 56 pp.
ISBN 0117028428 $162.00
The BSE Report.
Inquiry into the emergence and
identification of Bovine Spongiform Encephalopathy (BSE) and variant
Creutzfeldt-Jakob Disease (vCJD) and the action taken in response to it up to 20
March 1996.
Lord Phillips of Worth Matravers. 2000.
This sixteen volume set reports on the ‘mad cow
disease’ epidemic in the UK. Complete boxed set of all 16 volumes in slipcase.
ISBN 010 55 6986 0 $585.00
Complete CD set of printed volumes plus 11 CDs of
evidence: ISBN 0 10 5569879
Volumes may also be purchased separately:
• Vol. 1 Findings and Conclusions. ISBN 010 556970 4 $64.00
Vol. 2 Science.
ISBN 010 556971 2 $46.00
Vol. 3 The Early Years 1986-88.
ISBN 010 556972 0 $44.00
Vol. 4 The Southwood Working Party 1988-89.
ISBN 010 556973 9
Vol. 5 Animal Health 1989-96.
ISBN 010 556974 7 $60.00
Vol. 6 Human Health 1989-96.
ISBN 010 556975 5 $126.00
Vol. 7 Medicines and Cosmetics.
ISBN 010 556976 3 $60.00
Vol. 8 Variant CJD.
ISBN 010 556977 1 $40.00
Vol. 9 Wales Scotland and Northern Ireland.
ISBN 010 556978 X $40.00
Vol. 10 The Economic Impact and International Trade.
ISBN 010 556979
8 $28.00
• Vol. 11 Scientists after Scouthwood.
ISBN 010 556980 1 $56.00
Vol. 12 Livestock Farming. ISBN 010 556981 X $25.00
Vol. 13 Industry Processes and Controls.
ISBN 010 556982 8 $36.00
Vol. 14 Responsibilities for Human and Animal Health. ISBN 010 556983
6 $44.00
Vol. 15 Government and Public Administration.
ISBN 010 556984 4
Vol. 16 Reference Material.
ISBN 010 556985 2 $74.00
Flavouring Substances.
Council of Europe. 2000.
This authoritative and comprehensive reprint of the 4th edition of the “Blue Book” contains the toxicological evaluation of 899
flavoring substances. These have been classified according to their chemical structure and divided into: substances which may be added to food for human consumption without hazard to public health; and
flavoring substances that are temporarily acceptable in foodstuffs, that is to say, those for which there does not exist enough toxicological data for a definite safety-in-use assessment.
The book includes the five modifications to the 4th edition (1992) so far adopted by the Committee of Experts on Flavouring Substances of the Council of Europe.
Safety-in-use criteria are also recommended which should be met by the manufacturers of
flavoring substances. Hardback, 612 pp.
ISBN 9287144532 $132.00
Controlled/Modified Release Products.
Edited by Henning
Blume, Ursula Gundert-Remy,
and Helga Moller. Wissenschaftliche Verlagsgesellschaft mbH. 1991.
Paperback, 206 pp., 57 figs., 41 tabs.
ISBN 30 8047 1171 5 $84.00
The Rules Governing Cosmetlex Products in the European
European Commission. 2000.
In the early 1970’s, the Member
States of the EU decided to harmonize their national cosmetic regulations in
order to enable the free circulation of cosmetic products within the community.
As a result of numerous discussions between experts from all member states,
Council Directive 76/76/EEC was adopted. The principles laid down in the
Cosmetics Directive take into account the needs of the consumer while
encouraging commercial exchange and eliminating barriers to trade. For example,
if a product is to move freely with in the EU, the same labeling, packaging and
safety regulations must apply. 3 volume paperback set, Vol 1: 74 pp., Vol 2: 187 pp.,
Vol 3: 74 pp.
ISBN 0 11 986147 X $66.00
Cosmetic Products.
Comparative study on borderline products and borderline situations.
Council of Europe Committee of
Experts on Cosmetic Products. 2001.
The main purpose of the survey is to clarify the situation in various European countries as regards the classification of certain categories of products, known as “borderline” or “fringe”, and to establish whether the latter should be classified as cosmetic products or as pharmaceuticals, medical devices, biocidal products, foodstuffs or general consumer products. The national delegations which took part in this exercise considered it important to obtain a clearer picture of the “classification situation” of these categories in Europe. This has a bearing on the responsibilities of their national authorities in ensuring at all times that their legislation sufficiently protects the consumer’s health when using different kinds of products.
Paperback, 188 pp.
ISBN 9287144508 $38.00
Defect Evaluation
Lists (printed in German and English)
• Vol.
12: General
Principles/Allgemeine Grundlagen.
CD-ROM inclusive.
ISBN 3 87193 240 X
Vol. 14: Containers Made of Moulded Glass/Behältnisse aus Hüttenglas.
ISBN 3 87193
210 8 $77.00
Vol. 15: Aerosol Cans Made of Metal/Aerosoldosen aus Metall.
ISBN 3 87193 171
3 $55.00
Vol. 17: Injection-moulded Parts Made of Plastic: Boxes, Tubes, Turning and
Sliding Mechanism/Spritzgußteile aus
Kunststoff: Dosen, Röhren, Schachteln, Dreh- und Schiebemechanismen.
ISBN 3 87193 133 0
Vol. 18: Plastic Stoppers, Desiccators and Caps/Kunststoff-Stopfen, Trockenkapseln und Aufsteckkappen.
ISBN 3 87193 162 4
Vol. 19: Containers Made of Tubular Glass/Behältnisse aus Röhrenglas.
ISBN 3 87193 241 8
Vol. 20: Rubber Parts/Gummiteile.
ISBN 3 87193
132 2 $55.00
• Vol. 21: Valves,
Pumps, Adaptors/Ventile, Pumpen, Adapter.
ISBN 3 87193 144 6
• Vol.
22: Injection-moulded Parts Made of Plastic: Closures, Sealing Disks, Dosage
Aids (Droppers, etc.)/Spritzgußteile aus
Kunststoff: Verschlüsse, Dichteinlagen, Dosierhilfen (Tropfer etc.)
ISBN 3 87193 182 9
• Vol.
23: Plastic-moulded Containers/Hohlblaskörper aus Kunststoff.
ISBN 3 87193 159 4
Vol. 24: Foils/Folien.
ISBN 3 87193 225 6
• Vol. 25: Metal Closure
Systems/Verschlußsysteme aus Metall.
ISBN 3 87193 082 2
Vol. 33: Hard Gelatin Capsules/Hartgelatine-Kapseln.
ISBN 3 87193
090 3 $27.00
Vol. 34: Applicators and Measuring Devices Made of Plastic/Applikatoren und Meßeinrichtungen aus Kunststoff.
ISBN 3 87193 105 5
Vol. 35: Disposable Syringes and Needles/Eimmalspritzen und
ISBN 3 87193 109 8
Vol. 36: Packaging Materials Made of Corrugated Board/Packmittel aus Wellpappe.
ISBN 3 87193
113 6 $44.00
Vol. 37: Bags and Liners Made of Plastic and Plastic-containing Materials/Beutel und Säcke aus Kunststoff und Kunststoffverbunden.
ISBN 3 87193 164 0
• Vol.
39: Tubes Made of Aluminium/Tuben aus Aluminium.
ISBN 3 87193 139 X
Vol. 40: Tubes Made of Laminate and Plastic/Tuben aus Laminat und
ISBN 3 87193 242 6
Directory of Cancer Research in the European Union. 1st
Euroconfidentiel. 2001.
An essential publication for all health researchers concerned with cancer, this title details European activity in the field and possible collaboration opportunities, information on some 1500 research
programs throughout the Member States is given, with descriptions, indications of the type of research (for example clinical, applied, basic) and a summary account of the equipment, methods and techniques used. In addition, a whole chapter is dedicated to the key
research of the European Organisation for Research and Treatment of Cancer (EORTC).
ISBN 2 930066 52 0 $206.00
Dispersion Techniques for Laboratory and Industrial Scale Processing.
Bernhard H. Böhm and
Rainer H. Müller. Wissenschaftliche Verlagsgesellschaft. 2001.
The book presents an overview of very different dispersion techniques ranging from high speed
stirring devices via static blenders to high pressure homogenization, the latter e. g. applied to mill solids to ultra fine nanoparticles (e. g. drug nanoparticles). 114 pp.,
62 figs., 10 tables.
ISBN 3 8047 1839 6 $54.00
EC Guide to Good
Manufacturing Practice for Medicinal Products. 4th Edition.
Edited by G.
Auterhoff. 2002.
English-language version of the
"EG-Leitfaden einer Guten Herstellungspraxis" without the German Operation
Ordinance for Pharmaceutical Entrepreneurs (Pharmabetriebsverordnung).
Paperback, 200 pp.
ISBN 3 87193 264 7 $63.00
The Rules Governing Medicinal Products in the
European Union.
European Communities Commission. Directorate-General for
Industry, Pharmaceuticals and Cosmetics.
All volumes are paperbacks published between 1998 and
1999. Volumes sold individually -- please email us with inquiries about buying a full set.
Vol. 1: Pharmaceutical legislation: medicinal products for human use.
ISBN 9282820327 $65.00
Vol. 2: Notice to applicants: medicinal products for human use.
ISBN 011975780X $95.00
Vol. 3: Guidelines: medicinal products for human use.
ISBN 9282824365 $175.00
Vol. 4: Good manufacturing practices: medicinal products for human and veterinary use.
ISBN 9282820297 $36.00
Vol. 5: Pharmaceutical legislation: veterinary medicinal products.
ISBN 9282820378 $57.00
Vol. 6: Notice to applicants: veterinary medical products.
ISBN 0119853515 $80.00
Vol. 7. Guidelines: Veterinary medicinal products.
ISBN 0119853663 $115.00
European Genetic
Engineering Law.
Edited by H.
Hasskarl. 2002.
Since the two detailed Council
Directives on the "Contained Use" and the "Deliberate Release" in April
1990, the European Genetic Engineering law has been amended again and again.
Problems of genetic engineering, including all legal regulations, have
become of increasing interest to the public. At present there is discussion
of an amendment of the Novel Food Directive, which will add a decisive
completion to the information of the customer. These recent developments
caused the editor and the publishing house to compile all relevant EC
Regulations and EC Directives in a book. This edition contains the
respective texts in both German and English.
ISBN 3 87193 267 1
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