Herbal Medicines. Third edition.
due September 2007.
Joanne Barnes - Associate Professor in
Herbal Medicines, School of Pharmacy, University of Auckland, New
Zealand, Linda A Anderson - Principal Pharmaceutical Assessor, Medicines
& Healthcare products Regulatory Agency, London and J David Phillipson -
Emeritus Professor, Centre for Pharmacognosy and Phytotherapy, School of
Pharmacy, London.
Herbal Medicines is an invaluable reference text for pharmacists and
other healthcare professionals.
Herbal medicinal products are increasing in popularity in the developed
world and continue to be an important healthcare approach in developing
countries. However, alongside the widespread use of herbal medicines,
there are many concerns about their quality, safety and efficacy. Herbal
Medicines provides a comprehensive single source of scientifically
rigorous, impartial information on over 150 of the most commonly used
herbal medicinal products. This third edition has been extensively
revised and updated.
Features include:
Written by experts in the fields of pharmacognosy, phytochemistry, phytopharmacy, clinical herbal medicines, phytopharmacovigilance and regulation of herbal medicinal products, Herbal Medicines is an invaluable reference text for pharmacists and other healthcare professionals who require evidence-based information on herbal medicines used for treatment and prevention of health problems. Hardback ISBN: 978 0 85369 623 0. 720pp. $150.00; CDROM single user ISBN: 978 0 85369 642 1. $150.00; CDROM & Book ISBN: 978 0 85369 656 8. $200.00
**Unfortunately, since publication, the publisher has become aware of a problem affecting the contents of the ‘Preparations’ section in both the book (978 085369 623 0) and CD-ROM (978 085369 642 1). Some preparations data became corrupted during the production process and some information has been incorrectly transferred from one herbal monograph to an adjacent monograph. In total, 10 monographs and Appendix 4 has been affected. The enclosed corrigenda provides replacement ‘Preparations’ sections for the affected monographs. Pharmaceutical Press would like to apologise for this error. You can download the corrigenda here for your use.
vegetables, isothiocyanates and indoles. : IARC
handbooks of cancer prevention International Agency for Research on Cancer Vol.
9. Publication Date: 10th February 2005. This publication sets outs
the findings of an IARC Working Group, held in Lyon, France in November 2003,
which considered the benefits of a diet rich in cruciferous vegetables in
helping to reduce the risk of various cancers. Cruciferous vegetables, such as
broccoli, cabbage, cauliflower, watercress and brussel sprouts, contain
substantial amounts of compounds which have been shown to inhibit the growth of
cancers. This publication reviews current knowledge on the topic, including data
from human, experimental and mechanistic studies, as well as making
recommendations for future research and public health policy options. Corporate
Author: International Agency for Research on Cancer Working Group on the
Evaluation of Cancer Preventive Strategies. Format: Paperback. Pagination: xi,
262p. ISBN 9283230094. $60.00
WHO global atlas of traditional, complementary and alternative medicine. Corporate Author: World Health Organization. 2005. Format: Paperback. Pagination: 2v. (224; 92)p. 2 vol. set. Vol. 1 contains text and Vol. 2, maps. ISBN 9241562862. $130.00
African Traditional Medicine. A Dictionary of Plant Use and Applications. Hans Dieter Neuwinger. 2000. This unique book documents the traditional knowledge and use of African medicinal plants to an extent not previously available. In total more than 5,400 plants from south of the Sahara to the Cape are listed and over 16,300 medicinal applications with plant part, details on method of preparation and dosage. 589 pp. ISBN 3 88763 086 6 $139.00
Basic Tests for Drugs, Pharmaceutical Substances,
Medicinal Plant Materials
and Dosage Forms.
WHO. 1998.
Complementary to "Basic tests for pharmaceutical
substances" (1986, ISBN 9241542047) and "Basic tests for
pharmaceutical dosage forms" (1991, ISBN 924154418X). Paperback, iii + 91 pp.
ISBN 9241545135 $28.00
General Guidelines for Methodologies on
Research and
Evaluation of Traditional Medicine.
WHO. 2002.
These general guidelines have been developed to consider the types of
academic research methods used to evaluate the safety and efficacy of
traditional medicine. They aim to harmonize the use of certain accepted and
important terms, and provide appropriate evaluation methods to aid the
development of regulation and registration mechanisms. The guidelines contain
sections on: herbal medicines, traditional procedure-based therapies, clinical
research, and related issues including ethics, education and training, and
surveillance systems. Paperback. vi + 71 pp.
ISBN 0119869357 $24.00
Heilpflanzen - Herbal Remedies.
Bilingual: English and German. Contains the complete Commission E Monographs.
5th edition.
Thomas Brendler,
Joerg Grünwald, Christof Jänicke, PhytoPharm Consulting, Berlin
(Wiss. Beratg.).
The Herb-CD is used as the basis of the American
"PDR - Physicians Desk Reference for Herbal Medicines." In addition
the CD contains the complete Commission E Monographs - newly translated. The Herb-CD
now features over 1,100 plants, for which the following can be accessed: General description
• Usage • Dosage • Modes of Action • Use restrictions • Characteristics •
Substances • Indications (according to ICD-10, German Commission E, homeopathy,
Indian/Chinese medicine and folk medicine) • Quality and safety status •
References to pharmacopoeias and other specialist literature • Etymology of names
• Botanical description • Habitat • Toxicity • Protection status • Scientific synonyms
• Vernacular names • More than 1,500 color photographs. Scientific names or synonyms with sub-selection of a family or vernacular
names with sub-selection of a language can be searched for. In addition, a complete
reference list, a glossary and a substance list with CAS references can be
accessed. System requirements: PC PII, 64 MB RAM, 800 x 600 pixels. OS Windows 95, 98,
NT, 2000, XP, Me.
ISBN 3 88763 102 1 $108.00
Medicinal Products.
Scientific and Regulatory Basis for Development, Quality
Assurance and Marketing Authorisation.
& Barbara Steinhoff. 2003.
European legislation requires
herbal medicinal products (HMPs) to meet strict standards of quality, safety and
efficacy. In Europe and worldwide, HMPs play an important role both in
self-medication and in medical practice. This book provides - basic definitions
and correct labeling - the main principles of manufacture and quality control
according to GMP, and - an overview of current scientific and legal requirements
for marketing authorization in the European Union. Herbal Medicinal Products
provides a firm basis for informed scientific discussion and contributes to
transparency in the market. An up-to-the-minute guide and reference book for
professionals in all sectors concerned with HMPs, including pharmaceutical
companies, universities and health authorities. It is also an invaluable
handbook for the instruction of pharmaceutical and medical personnel and for
quality assessment of individual products in medical practices, pharmacies and
other retail outlets. Hardcover, 200 pp., 48 figs., 30 tables.
ISBN 3 88463 098 X $115.00
Medicinal Plants in China a selection of 150 commonly used species.
regional publications Western Pacific series. Regional
Office for the Western Pacific 2.
WHO Regional Office for the Western Pacific Institute of Chinese Materia Medica China Academy of Traditional Chinese Medicine. 1991.
Paperback, xviii + 331 pp.
ISBN 9290611022 $54.00
Medicinal Plants of Indian Ocean Islands: Comores, Madagascar,
Mauritius, Reunion and Seychelles.
Thomas Brendler
and Ameenah Gurib-Fakim. due summer 2003.
This is a scientific evaluation of 350 medicinal plants of the main Indian Ocean
islands. For each plant the following data is given: Botanical description, distribution, ecology
• Chemistry of active compounds • Pharmacological studies • Use in the traditional medicine
• Full color photographs and chemical structures. An authoritative and fascinating reference work, which captures the interest
in traditional medicine as well as the potential for the development of new
drugs. Hardcover, 700 pp.
ISBN 3 88763 094 7 price TBA
Plants in Cosmetics Vol. I.
Plants and Plant Preparations Used as Ingredients for Cosmetic Products.
Dr. F. Patri & Prof. V. Silano.
Council of Europe. 2002.
This study, originally published in 1989, contains 71 datasheets on plants
and plant preparations used as ingredients of cosmetic products which have
been evaluated by the Council of Europe's Committee of Experts on Cosmetic
Products. The criteria for the assessment of the safety of these plants and
plant preparations is also included. The plants and plant preparations are
also classified into three categories: those plants which do not present a
health hazard; those which are likely to present a health hazard; and those
which could not be evaluated at the time of the study owing to the lack of
sufficient data. The introduction and the criteria for assessment are also
given in French.
ISBN 9287147035 $44.00
Plants in Cosmetics Vol.
Plants and Plant Preparations Used as Ingredients for Cosmetic Products.
Prof. Robert Anton, Dr. Franco Patri, &
Prof. Vittorio Silano. Council
of Europe. 2002.
This valuable, user-friendly study contains 44 data sheets
on plants and plant preparations which have been evaluated by the
Council of Europe’s Committee of Experts on Cosmetic Products. An
assessment of the safety of these plants and plant preparations is also
included. Bilingual - French/English. Paperback, 195 pp.
ISBN 9287146764 $46.00
Quality Control Methods for Medicinal
Plant Materials.
WHO. 1999.
Paperback, viii + 115 pp.
9241545100 $44.00
Research guidelines for evaluating the safety and efficacy
of herbal medicines.
WHO Regional Office for the
Western Pacific. 1994.
Paperback. v + 86 pp.
ISBN 9290611103
WHO Monographs on Selected Medicinal
Plants Vol. 1.
WHO. 1999.
Plants have been used for medicinal purposes for many
centuries. Today, herbal products are being employed worldwide in a variety of
health care settings and as home remedies. In some developing countries,
communities rely heavily on traditional practitioners and medicinal plants to
meet primary health care needs, and in industrialized countries plant products
are gaining popularity as alternative and complementary therapies. This book
contains 28 monographs on widely used medicinal plants, selected for inclusion
on the basis of scientific evidence for both safety and efficacy. The monographs
are intended to promote international harmonization in the quality control and
use of herbal medicines and to serve as models for developments of national
formularies. They will be a comprehensive scientific reference for drug
regulatory authorities, physicians, traditional practitioners, pharmacists,
manufacturers and research scientists. Paperback. vi + 289 pp.
9241545178 $121.00
WHO Monographs on Selected Medicinal Plants Vol. 2.
WHO. 2002.
Volume 2 of the WHO Monographs on Selected
Medicinal Plants provides an additional collection of 30 monographs covering the
quality control and traditional and clinical uses of selected medicinal plants
approved by 120 experts in more than 50 countries. This edition covers chlamydioses, rickettsioses, and
viroses. This essential work also includes maps, tables, and figures that help
explain the transmission cycle and the geographic distribution and prevalence of
many of these diseases. The monographs are intended to promote international
harmonization in the quality control and use of herbal medicines and to serve as
models for the development of national formularies. Paperback, 360 pp.
ISBN 9241545372
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